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Now Lizzy, for the last few months, had been going to school, the same school with Malcolm, open to all comers, the only school where one is sure to be led in the direction of wisdom, and there she had been learning to some purpose as plainly appeared before she had done with the factor. "Whase kirk are ye elder o', Maister Crathie?" she asked presently.

What a body has to do is to learn what pinion or steam-box, or piston, or muckle water-wheel he represents, and stick to that, defyin' the deevil, whase wark is to put the machine out o' gear.

'And whase was that blue coat wi' the bonny gowd buttons upo' 't? asked Robert, who thought he had discovered a new approach to an impregnable hold, which he would gladly storm if he could. 'Lat the coat sit. What has that to do wi' the kilt? A blue coat and a tartan kilt gang na weel thegither. 'Excep' in an auld press whaur naebody sees them.

Wae betide ye!" she said, suddenly changing her tone, "and cut the houghs of the creature whase fleetness ye trust in! Sheugh sheugh! awa wi'ye, that hae spilled sae muckle blude, and now wad save your ain awa wi'ye for a railing Rabshakeh, a cursing Shimei, a bloodthirsty Doeg! The swords drawn now that winna be lang o' o'ertaking ye, ride as fast as ye will."

It may recall to him misty recollections of communications which followed a course something like this: "And so ye see, auld Pittoddles, when his third wife deed, he got married upon the laird o' Blaithershin's aughteenth daughter, that was sister to Jemima, that was married intil Tam Flumexer, that was first and second cousin to the Pittoddleses, whase brither became laird afterwards, and married Blaithershin's Baubie and that way Jemima became in a kind o' way her ain niece and her ain aunty, an' as we used to say, her gude-brither was married to his ain grannie."

Wae betide ye!" she said, suddenly changing her tone, "and cut the houghs of the creature whase fleetness ye trust in! Sheugh sheugh! awa wi'ye, that hae spilled sae muckle blude, and now wad save your ain awa wi'ye for a railing Rabshakeh, a cursing Shimei, a bloodthirsty Doeg! The swords drawn now that winna be lang o' o'ertaking ye, ride as fast as ye will."

"And whase man wad ye be? And wha wad ye hae to maister ye but me, Cuddie, lad?" answered Jenny. "I'll gar ye comprehend in the making of a hay-band.

The consequences o' a wife's domination are weel exemplified in the case o' that contemptible man whase assistance we now require. He daurna assist a freend. When a man resigns himsel to the authority o' a wife, he is dune for a' guid to himsel as weel as his neebors."

Thair is Chryst Jesus the King, and his kingdome the Kirk, whase subject King James the Saxt is, and of whase kingdome nocht a king nor a lord, nor a heid, bot a member!... And, Sir, when yie war in your swadling-cloutes, Chryst Jesus' rang friely in this land in spyt of all his enemies."

"Ay, and ye might think it droll that I should ken that; But I be't to ken it, for there's mony a plot against my maister, and nae foreigneer comes inside thae wa's whase pedigree I canna' hae an inklin' o'. Ye're here aifter Drimdarroch, and ye're no' very sure aboot your host, and that's the last thing I wad haggle wi' ye aboot, for your error'll come to ye by-and-by."