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"Yes," said the broker, writing down something very different. "And what else?" "Tell him," said Mark, "te fetch the aad keel back te the Gut, and let hor lie and rot wheor he can see hor!" "Very good," said Maynard, still waiting; "and what else?" "Whaat else? Oh, tell him to gan to h , and say Mark Gaze says see. Ask him whaat the blazes he means be runnin' the risk of gettin' hor frozzen in.

Perhaps it was only the queer dialect or some resemblance to his granddaughter's voice. She looked at him a little more closely as she said: "To the Priory." "Whaat?" She pointed with her parasol to the gray pile in the distance. It was possible that this demented peasant didn't even UNDERSTAND English. "The hall. Oh, ay!" Suddenly his brows knit ominously as he faced her.

And moind, youngster, thee'd best keep a quiet tongue in thy head as to whaat thou'st seen here." "I haven't seen anything," Ned said; "but of course if you wish it I will say nothing about it." "It were best for ee, for if thou go'st aboot saying thou'st seen men with guns and clubs up here on the moor, it ull be the worsest day's work ee've ever done."

"Then, by the Lord!" exclaimed the irrepressible "Feathery," "All th' atheists an' blasphemers must be a-gathered in the fold o' the Church, for if the pazons doan't twist the Bible to suit their own ends, I'm blest if I knaw whaat else they does for a decent livin'!" Just then a puff of fine odour from the Havana cigar which Helmsley was enjoying floated under the nostrils of Mr.

Whaat like were the villains, then? Jaisuits, I'll warrant? Foxes from St. Omer's airth?" "They were two common cutthroats whose names I know." "Tools, belike. Fingers of the Paape's hand.... Ye seem to have a good acquaintance among rogues, Mr. Whaat's-you-name." The man Prance had disappeared, and Lovel suddenly saw his prospects less bright.

As though he had been gifted with prescience, Jimmy continued "Aa can feel whaat ye are thinking aboot, but it's not true. This is the man aa threatened te kill," pointing at Turnbull. "And now let us bow oor heads in solemn, silent prayor for a few minutes, and ask forgiveness for oor past and daily sins.

McLaughlan took seven ireful steps wide ones then his hot anger assumed a cold, sardonic form, he returned, and with blighting satire speered this question by way of gratifying an ironical curiosity. "An' whaat would ye ha'e the cheek t'offer a McLanghlan to cuik till ye, you that kens sae fine the price o' wark?" "Thirty shillings." "Thretty shilling the week for a McLaughlan!"

An' they tell me, him and his women gat the ship safely into port, and the folk shooted, 'Bravo, Jimmy Stone! They said he was a hard swearer, but a brave, clever fellow, and aa said when aa hard it, 'Whaat aboot the dog? The ship was selled, and Jimmy gat summit whaat de they caal it salvage, aa think. They say he's worth lots o' money." "But whaat did they say aboot the dog?" said Tom.

That's t' question as comes home to me oi've had nowt else ringing in my ears all day. Oi ha' been oot to a searching high and low. Oi ain't a found him, but oi ha made oop moi moind whaat I be agoing to do." They had moved a little away from the cottage now, but Luke lowered his voice: "Oi be agoing down to t' town in the morning to give moiself oop vor the murder of Foxey."

Say aa'll seun be at Shields owerland, if he dizzen't mind whaat he's aboot." "Well, now," said the agent, "I think we have got to the bottom of things. We'll send this telegram off; but before it goes, would you like me to read it to you?" "For God's sake send the d thing away!" said Mark.