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Mr Weymss, jump into the boat, and take possession of the prize: take as many men as you can; and, Mr Keene, with Mr Weymss, and as soon as you have gained the necessary information, come back with the boat and two hands." I followed the third lieutenant info the boat, and we pulled on board of our antagonist. A junior officer received us on the deck, and presented his sword.

Another boat, with the carpenter and assistant-surgeon, had been sent on board the prize to remedy any serious damage and to assist in dressing the wounded. I was sent with the boat. Mr Weymss, the third lieutenant, had not been idle: jury-masts were in preparation, the decks had been cleared, the dead thrown overboard, and the wounded taken below.

"In a few minutes, sir," was the reply. "Mr Hippesley, you must, then, send forty hands on board the prize to repair her damages, as far as we can. Mr Weymss must remain on board." In the meantime the young officer had been taken down below to the surgeon, who had now some leisure to attend to him.

"The starboard cutter will float, sir; her gunwale is all torn away, but there are rollocks enough to pull." "Let her be cleared away and lowered down, Mr Hippesley. Send for the second lieutenant." "I believe he's not on deck sir," replied the first lieutenant. "Not much hurt, I hope?" "A splinter, I was told, sir." "Where's Mr Weymss, the third lieutenant?

The second and third lieutenants, Mr Percival and Mr Weymss, were young men of good family, and were admitted to a very slight degree of familiarity with Captain Delmar: they were of gentlemanly manners, both good seamen, and kind to their inferiors. Mr Culpepper, the purser, was my abomination a nasty, earwigging, flattering, bowing old rogue.

When Captain Delmar went away to town, he had quite forgotten the poor fellow, and Mr Weymss, who was the commanding officer, did not make any special report of him as he thought he might defer it till the last moment, as every day out of prison would be so much gained by young Vangilt, who was a general favourite.