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He had made his choice, and even though she were the daughter of the great Powhatan, he did not doubt that the werowance would give her to one of his best braves. Not far from the lodge of Pocahontas he seated himself upon a stone and began to play the plaintive notes with which the Indian lover tells of his longing for the maiden he would make his squaw.

The werowance of the Paspaheghs was one that sailed with the wind; he listened to the deepening sound, and glanced at the son of Powhatan where he stood, calm and confident, then smoothed his own countenance and made a most pacific speech, in which all the blame of the late proceedings was laid upon the singing birds.

They led him to a fire which was blazing not far off on firmer ground where sat a chief, who, he learned, was the werowance Opechanchanough. At a word of command from him, the guards moved aside and the huge warrior walked slowly around Smith, examining him from head to foot. There was a pause which, the Englishman knew, might be broken by an order to torture and kill him.

In the other towns through which he had travelled he had heard men speak of Werowocomoco and of the great werowance who held sway there, the dreaded ruler over thirty tribes. This large village he knew must be the seat of the head of the Powhatan Confederacy and he was about to be led before him. What would happen then, he wondered, as he walked calmly through the crowd who eyed him curiously.

Claw-of-the-Eagle spoke: "Werowance of the white men, Princess Pocahontas sends me to inform thee that she hath come to visit thee. E'en now she and her maidens await thee at the fort." "She is most welcome," cried Smith, springing up. Then he called out in English: "Come, friends, and help me receive the daughter of Powhatan, who did save me at the risk of her own life.

The stick, they saw, was covered with tiny nicks; and the Indian, looking from one person to another, made many more marks on the wand. "What is it thou dost, Uttamatomakkin?" asked Pocahontas. "The werowance, thy father, told me to mark and let him know when I return how many white folk there were in this land.

"Yesterday, at the full sun power, he was in the lodge of the werowance of the Chickahominies. He feasts there still. The Chickahominies and the Powhatans have buried the hatchet." "I regret to hear it," I remarked. "Whilst they took each other's scalps, mine own felt the safer." "I advise going direct to Opechancanough," said Rolfe. "Since he's only a league away, so do I," I answered.

From his skeleton throat came a low, prolonged, croaking sound, and his bony hands strove to wipe away the blood. The Paspaheghs drew around us closer and closer, and the werowance clutched me by the shoulder. I shook him off. "Give the word, Sharpless," I said, "or nod, if thou art too frightened to speak. Murder is too stern a stuff for such a base kitchen knave as thou to deal in."

Then he ceased and looked to Powhatan for an answer. The werowance thought a moment in silence, then he spoke: "If your king hath sent me presents, I also am a king, and this is my land; eight days I will stay to receive them. Your Father is to come to me, not I to him, nor yet to your fort." He spoke with so kingly a dignity that the Englishmen did not seek to dissuade him.

We slew them all, Great Werowance, all but these captives we have brought before thee." This time louder shouts of approval rewarded Water Snake's speech, which did not cease until it was seen that Powhatan meant to acknowledge it. He did not rise nor change his position in any way, and his voice was low and measured. "A tree hath many branches, but one trunk only.