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Sperry asked one question, however, "Are you certain about the time when Miss Jeremy saw what looks like this thing?" "Certainly. My watch fell at five minutes after nine. When it was all over, and I picked it up, it was still going, and it was 9:30." He was silent for a moment. Then: "The Wellses' nursery governess telephoned for me at 9:35. We keep a record of the time of all calls."

Alfred Lyttelton, Miss Lena Ashwell, the Bernard Shaws, the Wilfred Meynells, the H.G. Wellses, the Sidney Webbs; and leaving uninstanced a number of other delightful, warm-blooded, pleasant-voiced, natural-mannered people the Rossiters. Or at least, Michael Rossiter. For although you could tolerate for his sake Mrs.

Wells's hands a brief note. He was conquered now. Rather than see her leave the roof of such devoted friends, he pledged himself to vex her no more. Neither there nor on her homeward way would he seek to speak with her again. Jenny, yielding perhaps as much to the Wellses' pleading as to this, remained. What ever could be the outcome? was now the question.

"I don't see what possible good that will do now." I was uneasy all the way home. The element of doubt, always so imminent in our dealings with psychic phenomena, had me by the throat. How much did Hawkins know? Was there any way, without going to the police, to find if he had really been out of the Wellses' house that night, now almost two weeks ago, when Arthur Wells had been killed?

Most unjustly, for she has borne with me for thirty years and is known throughout the entire neighborhood as a perfect housekeeper. I can close my eyes and find any desired article in my bedroom at any time. We passed the Wellses' house on our way to Mrs. Dane's that night, and my wife commented on the dark condition of the lower floor.

How much of Sperry's proceeding with the carpet the governess had seen I do not know. I glanced up and she was there, on the staircase to the third floor, watching us. I did not know, then, whether she recognized me or not, for the Wellses' servants were as oblivious of the families on the street as their employers. But she knew Sperry, and was ready enough to talk to him.

But, unsatisfactory in many ways as the seance had been, the effect on Miss Jeremy was profound she was longer in coming out, and greatly exhausted when it was all over. She refused to take the supper Mrs. Dane had prepared for her, and at eleven o'clock Sperry took her home in his car. I remember that Mrs. Dane inquired, after she had gone. "Does any one know the name of the Wellses' butler?

I was shocked by the news, but not greatly grieved. The Wellses had been among us but not of us, as I have said. They had come, like gay young comets, into our orderly constellation, trailing behind them their cars and servants, their children and governesses and rather riotous friends, and had flashed on us in a sort of bright impermanence. Of the two, I myself had preferred Arthur.

They were great Christmas farers at Wellses'. With no children of their own, the sweet holiday season would have lost its sweetest charm but that Jenny was again with them. They rigged up a lovely Christmas-tree for Mart's babies, and summoned in sundry little waifs from the neighborhood, and had games and romps and laughter and merry voices.

The magnate had offered Miss Wallen a permanent position and a good salary in his own office, and marvelled at her refusal. She still occupied her pretty room at the Wellses', but solely on her own conditions, that she should pay her board. She reopened her typewriter in the big business block down town, and seemed to gain health, color, and elasticity in her daily tramps to and fro.