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We quote still further from it, as it is interesting matter relating to the prominence and intelligence of the Franklin ancestors: "From Wellingborough we went to Ecton, about three or four miles, being the village where my father was born, and where his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had lived, and how many of the family before them we know not.

She looked at them as they began to dance; then she looked at the Duchess of Wellingborough, who was also dancing. The duchess was frankly middle-aged. She was very good-looking, but she had let her figure go. She was quite obviously the victim of the "elderly spread." Her health was excellent, her sense of humour unfailing.

They serve suicides scurvily here, Wellingborough; they don't bury them decently. See that bell-rope! By Heaven, it's an invitation to hang myself' and seizing it by the gilded handle at the end, he twitched it down from the wall. "In God's name, what ails you?" I cried. "Nothing, oh nothing," said Harry, now assuming a treacherous, tropical calmness "nothing, Redburn; nothing in the world.

"And why afraid of your friends?" asked I, in astonishment, "and we are not in London yet." "Pshaw! what a Yankee you are, Wellingborough. Can't you see very plainly that I have a plan in my head? And this disguise is only for a short time, you know. But I'll tell you all by and by."

And yet, he told me that he was determined never again to return to England; and that somewhere in America he must work out his temporal felicity. "I have forgotten England," he said, "and never more mean to think of it; so tell me, Wellingborough, what am I to do in America?"

Pray, captain, how much do you generally pay a handsome young fellow like this?" "Well," said the captain, looking grave and profound, "we are not so particular about beauty, and we never give more than three dollars to a green lad like Wellingborough here, that's your name, my boy? Wellingborough Redburn! Upon my soul, a fine sounding name." "Why, captain," said Mr.

I tell you it was written before the lost books of Livy, and is cousin-german to that irrecoverably departed volume, entitled, "The Wars of the Lord" quoted by Moses in the Pentateuch. Put it up, Wellingborough, put it up, my dear friend; and hereafter follow your nose throughout Liverpool; it will stick to you through thick and thin: and be your ship's mainmast and St.

We turned out bright and early, and then prepared for the shore, first stripping to the waist, for a toilet. "I shall never get these confounded tar-stains out of my fingers," cried Harry, rubbing them hard with a bit of oakum, steeped in strong suds. "No! they will not come out, and I'm ruined for life. Look at my hand once, Wellingborough!" It was indeed a sad sight.

Damocles de Warrenne, gentleman-cadet, on the eve of returning from Monksmead to the Military Academy of Sandhurst, appeared to have something on his mind as he sat on the broad coping of the terrace balustrade and idly kicked his heels. Every time he had returned to Monksmead from Wellingborough and Sandhurst, he had found Lucille yet more charming, delightful, and lovable.

But then, thought I again, with my hands wildly groping in my two vacuums of pockets who's to pay the bill? You can't beg your way, Wellingborough; that would never do; for you are your father's son, Wellingborough; and you must not disgrace your family in a foreign land; you must not turn pauper. Ah! Ah! it was indeed too true; there was no St. Paul's or Westminster Abbey for me; that was flat.