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Let me beg of you to consider your position in regard to the Malgamite scheme and meet me to-morrow night between the Malie Veld and the Achter Weg about half-past nine. I cannot see you at the works, and it would be better for you not to come to my hotel." The letter was addressed to the Villa des Dunes, where Roden received it the next morning.

The weather was squally, as it often is in August on these coasts; indeed, the summer seemed to have come to an end before its time. "It is raining like the deuce," said Roden, "and I am wet through, though I came under the trees of the Oude Weg." He spoke with his usual suggestion of a grievance, which made Cornish answer him rather curtly "We shall be wetter before we get on board."

Little bells were hung all round it; and when the pot was boiling, these bells tinkled in the most charming manner, and played the old melody, "Ach! du lieber Augustin, Alles ist weg, weg, weg!"* * "Ah! dear Augustine! All is gone, gone, gone!"

"Geh weg, you fool!" Morris exclaimed angrily. "Why should a millionaire concern like Mandelberger Brothers & Company got to fail? You talk like a lunatic." Once more Abe seized his hat. "I got enough of your nonsense, Mawruss," he said, starting for the elevator. "Wait!" Morris cried, grabbing him by the arm. "Did you ship any goods to Felix Geigermann yet?" "Felix Geigermann?" Abe repeated.

"I wasn't going to tell him anything " "Then he might have tried to make us," answered Harry, also in a whisper. "Did you notice anything queer about him ?" "Why, no " "You have your way lost! Would any Englishman say that, Dick? And wouldn't a German? You've studied German. Translate 'You've lost your way' into German. 'Du hast dein weg See? He was a German spy!" "Oh, Harry!

Instantly there was a dead silence and all eyes rested on Morris. "Where's what?" Morris asked. "The Amati!" Emil Pilz cried; and Morris laughed aloud. "Geh weg!" he said. "You are an expert!" Pilz shook his head in a bullying fashion. "Never mind if I am an expert oder not," he said. "Where is that Amati which I seen it myself at Geigermann's house only last night?"

Before Nanking could climb the ladder again, it was sailing through the air, magnificent as a ship, toward its winter pastures on the bay of Chisopecke. "He! Zoo!" exclaimed the soldiers. "Foei! weg!" cried the fishermen. Only three persons said "Ach! helas!" the Widow Cloos, pretty Elsje, and Nanking. "Thy stork is a savage bird!" cried Peter Alrichs.

Being ring-men gave us immunity from labor. They would not let us outside of the compound. Even if we volunteered for a parcel party, the guard would cry "Weg!" which is to say, "Go back." This made all our time leisure time, and I put in many hours making maps, being as careful as possible not to let the guards see me. I got the maps in a variety of ways.

Shortly after eight o'clock, the next night, a noisy party whistled and hallooed in the street below Maurice's window. He was the last to join, and then some ten or eleven of them picked their steps along the hard-frozen ruts of the SCHLEUSSIGER WEG, a road that followed the river to the outskirts of the town.

Fate had brought them together at the rare moment and in almost the sole circumstances that allow of a friendship being formed between a man and a woman. They walked slowly side by side now under the trees of the Oude Weg, inhaling the fresh morning air, which was scented by a hundred breaths of spring, and felt clean to face and lips. Mrs.