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"He asked you, and Vasili Dmitrich * is also going." * Denisov. "Where would I not go at the countess' command!" said Denisov, who at the Rostovs' had jocularly assumed the role of Natasha's knight. "I'm even weady to dance the pas de chale." "If I have time," answered Nicholas. "But I promised the Arkharovs; they have a party."

What a good thing that the weaths are weady! You see, your work will not be wasted after all." She was quite gracious in her satisfaction, and for the next two hours she and Peggy were busily occupied superintending the hanging of the evergreen wreaths and in arranging bunches of flowers to be placed at each point where the wreaths were fastened to the wall.

I'm weady;" then the door flew open; a tiny pink silk shoe stepped daintily over the mat, and Rosalind stood before them in all the glory of a new Parisian dress.

Here," handing me a packet, "is a sufficient amount of Fwench money to cawwy you handsomely thwough the business if no hitch occurs; if it does, you must exercise your ingenuity to get yourself out of the difficulty. Now go away and get weady, and ah er I heartily wish you success. Good-bye."

And at once all the three little Chinamen mounted the irons and curled their tiny slippered feet under them. And Marmaduke curled up on his iron just as they did. "Allee weady!" shouted Ping Pong, and all-of-a-sudden they started scooting down that curving brown hole, round and round, down through the deep earth.

Cold shivers ran down his spine and his whole body pulsed rhythmically. "Well, is ev'wything weady?" asked Denisov. "Bwing the horses." The horses were brought. Denisov was angry with the Cossack because the saddle girths were too slack, reproved him, and mounted. Petya put his foot in the stirrup.

Now, Baby Akbar was always a reasonable little fellow, so he waited patiently; though every night when he went to bed and Down came out for her supper, his little mouth would go down and he would hold up his little hands and twiddle them round and say mournfully: "Kitty not 'weady. Kitty not 'weady."

You did it on purpose, because you were in a temper! You have been in a temper all the afternoon! You have spoiled my dress! I was weady to go downstairs. It is eight o'clock. In a few minutes everyone will be here, and oh, what shall I do what shall I do! Whatever will mother say when she sees me?"

A sudden very loud knock caused Miss Smith to fly into a chair, and fan herself violently, while her mamma sat bolt upright on the sofa, and tried to look quite calm and "proper." Little Bess, who was on a visit, acted the part of maid, and opened the door, saying with a smile, "Wart in, gemplemun; it's all weady."

We must get through the pwivate funerals as quick as possible this morning, and then we'll be weady for poor Rub-a-Dub." "Rub-a-Dub is to be buried exactly at eleven o'clock," said Iris. "We'll all wear mourning, course?" asked Diana. "Yes; black bows." "And are the dogs and the other animals to wear mourning?" "Black bows," repeated Iris. "That is most lovely and 'citing," said Diana.