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Petya badly wanted to laugh, but noticed that they all refrained from laughing. He turned his eyes rapidly from Tikhon's face to the esaul's and Denisov's, unable to make out what it all meant. "Don't play the fool!" said Denisov, coughing angrily. "Why didn't you bwing the first one?" Denisov smiled, and Petya burst into a peal of merry laughter in which Tikhon himself joined.

"You see?... What a wogue it's just as I thought," said Denisov to the esaul. "Why didn't you bwing that one?" "What was the good of bringing him?" Tikhon interrupted hastily and angrily "that one wouldn't have done for you. As if I don't know what sort you want!" "What a bwute you are!... Well?" "I went for another one," Tikhon continued, "and I crept like this through the wood and lay down."

Pierre pushed his way into the middle of the group, listened, and convinced himself that the man was indeed a liberal, but of views quite different from his own. The naval officer spoke in a particularly sonorous, musical, and aristocratic baritone voice, pleasantly swallowing his r's and generally slurring his consonants: the voice of a man calling out to his servant, "Heah! Bwing me my pipe!"

As I entered the cabin, Captain Hood raised his eyes from the map, over which both officers had been earnestly poring, and said, "Oh! come in, Mr Chester, and bwing yourself to an anchor. Atkins! a wine-glass for Mr Chester. There, help yourself, young gentleman."

"A new laddie ... ca'ed Molly, Mol ... a' canna mind it ... Nestie ... he dinna know the way...." And Speug broke down and cast a despairing look at the cane. "Peter pwotected me from the other boys, who were making fun of me, and I asked him to bwing me in to you, sir; he was very p-polite."

Cold shivers ran down his spine and his whole body pulsed rhythmically. "Well, is ev'wything weady?" asked Denisov. "Bwing the horses." The horses were brought. Denisov was angry with the Cossack because the saddle girths were too slack, reproved him, and mounted. Petya put his foot in the stirrup.

Suddenly a faint piping voice floated in upon the glen: Little childwen pwessing near To the feet of Thwist, the Ting, Have you neiver doubt nor fear Or some twibute do you bwing? And Bug Buler, flushed and splashed, and generally muddy and happy, came around the fallen ledges and debauched into the grassy sunshiny space before the cavern.

Their un-Russian shouting at their horses which were straining uphill with the carts, and their calls to one another, could be clearly heard. "Bwing the prisoner here," said Denisov in a low voice, not taking his eyes off the French. A Cossack dismounted, lifted the boy down, and took him to Denisov. Pointing to the French troops, Denisov asked him what these and those of them were.

I has got my holiday through awfu' suff'in'. I was beated and killed, and I has come fresh to life again. Course I's in a wage, and I's got a holiday for you and for me 'cos we must do our work. Wun upstairs, Orion, and bwing down your big straw hat and mine, and we'll go and find them." Orion knew perfectly well what "them" meant.