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"I am surprised at your flippancy. I really believe you enjoyed our fright." "Yeth. Didn't you hear me laugh when I wath down there?" "I wouldn't say such things if I had made as much trouble as Tommy has," declared Margery. "Of courthe you wouldn't," agreed Tommy. "You haven't a thenthe of humor." "Some people have no sense at all," flung back Buster.

"I thuppothe they've all gone in now anyhow," said Skinner. "What the 'ens?" "I wath thinking of the waptheth more particularly," said Skinner. And then, with, an air of circumspection that would have awakened suspicion in a week-old baby, and laying the accent heavily on most of the words he chose, he asked, "I thuppothe nobody 'athn't 'eard of any other big thingth, about, 'ave they?

"We fed 'em up to yethterday, thwelp me," said Mr. Skinner, "But thith morning we didn't dare, Thir. The noithe of the waptheth wath thomething awful, Thir. They wath coming ont dothenth. Ath big ath 'enth.

But I telled him to his face what I thocht of him! 'The best Gourlay that ever dirtied leather, says I, ''s no gaun to make dirt of me, says I." "Ay, man, Dyohn!" lisped Deacon Allardyce, with bright and eagerly inquiring eyes. "And what did he thay to that na? That wath a dig for him! I'the warrant he wath angry." "Angry? He foamed at the mouth!

Gradgrind overwhelmed him with thanks, of course; and hinted as delicately as he could, at a handsome remuneration in money. 'I don't want money mythelf, Thquire; but Childerth ith a family man, and if you wath to like to offer him a five-pound note, it mightn't be unactheptable.

And you remember Emma Gordon, my dear, ath wath a'motht a mother to you? Of courthe you do; I needn't athk. Well! Emma, thee lotht her huthband.

I gueth he knowth. He wath brought up on a bean farm." "Then I'll take the beefsteak and never mind the nourishment," declared Jane, who was not particularly fond of beans. "I'd rather have both," said Margery hungrily. "Of courth you would," teased Tommy. "That ith why you " "Oh, say something new," groaned Buster. Miss Elting permitted them to jest to their hearts' content.

"You've told us all that," said Redwood. "The thing is, Bensington, what are we to do?" "What are we to do?" said Mr. Skinner. "You'll have to go back to Mrs. Skinner," said Redwood. "You can't leave her there alone all night." "Not alone, Thir, I don't. Not if there wath a dothen Mithith Thkinnerth. Itth Mithter Benthington " "Nonsense," said Redwood. "The wasps will be all right at night.

He said they could go to the farm at once. He was doing nothing at Dunton Green except a little tailoring. "It ithn't the thmart plathe I thought it wath, and what I get ithent thkarthely worth having," he said, "tho that if it ith any convenienth to you for uth to come...." And in a week Mr. and Mrs.

There was much skirmishing and crowing, but it all ended in a doleful wail, for Tom fell out of bed and bumped his precious head, and refused to be comforted, in any way, shape, or form, until Philip was heard to remark with admiration: "You stood on your head, Tom, and wath straight up," and that was Balm-of-Gilead to the infantile soul of that Young America, for he immediately ceased to weep, and looked content.