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"I thuppothe they've all gone in now anyhow," said Skinner. "What the 'ens?" "I wath thinking of the waptheth more particularly," said Skinner. And then, with, an air of circumspection that would have awakened suspicion in a week-old baby, and laying the accent heavily on most of the words he chose, he asked, "I thuppothe nobody 'athn't 'eard of any other big thingth, about, 'ave they?

'Upon my life, Thir, it'th a very fine piethe of work, says Puddock, who viewed the wiglet with the eye of a stage-property man, and held it by a top lock near the candle. 'The very finetht piethe of work of the kind I ever thaw. 'Tith thertainly French. Oh, yeth we can't do such thingth here. By Jove, Thir, what a wig that man would make for Cato!

'And what will you have to say? asked Freda, bluntly. 'I never hear you venture upon many topics, when you have an opportunity. 'Oh, Freda! there are tho many thingth. 'Just tell me one or two. 'Let me thee. Ballth and contherth, and the opera when I go to London, and and muthic 'Is that all?

'You are tho tirethome, Freda; of courthe there are other thingth, but one cannot think of them all at onthe. Every one ithent tho clever ath you. Colonel Vaughan thaid I talked quite enough for any young lady. Gentlemen didn't like ladieth who talked too much. 'Indeed! Where was your mamma when he said that? 'Oh! the didn't hear him.

I thayth, to 'er, I thayth you juth thow me on a button or two, I thayth, for I can't go to London like thith, I thayth, and I'll go up to Mithter Benthington, I thayth, and ekthplain thingth to 'im. And you thtop in thith room till I come back to you, I thayth, and keep the windowth thhut jutht ath tight ath ever you can, I thayth." "If you hadn't been so confoundedly untidy " began Redwood.

"Haven't you got some fireworks for the Fourth, Pussy?" he said, looking down at his little companion. "Oh, yeth," she lisped, "pin-wheelth, and crackerth, and thnaketh, and heapth of thingth." "What a time we'll have," he said. "Shall we look at them now?" "Oh, yeth," the little girl replied, and ran across to her father, "can we thee them now?" "No, not now," the father replied.

The flat was occupied, it seemed to him to the exclusion of all other sensible objects by Mr. Skinner and his voice, if indeed you can call either him or it a sensible object! The voice was up very high slopping about among the notes of anguish. "Itth impothible for uth to thtop, Thir. We've thtopped on hoping thingth would get better and they've only got worth, Thir.

Miss Elting slipped it on for her, and assisted Hazel to her feet. "It is all right," cried the girl. "Isn't that strange?" "Yeth. Thome thingth make thome folkth forget thome other thingth," observed Tommy sagely. "Have you forgotten your troubleth, Harriet?" "I think so, Tommy. I will race you up to the trail."

Somehow we did not care to talk, for a few minutes. "What brought you out here, Bud?" I asked to break the spell. "Oh, three or four thingth. I wanted to thee you," Bud answered. "You never paid me that fifteen thenth you borrowed before you went to college." "And then," he continued, "the old town on the Neosho'th too thmall for me.

Skinner remarked as much to the station-master. Perhaps he saw a certain pregnancy in the station-master's eye. After the briefest hesitation and with a confidential movement of his hand to the side of his mouth he asked if "anything" had happened that day. "How d'yer mean?" said the station-master, a man with a hard, emphatic voice. "Thethe 'ere waptheth and thingth."