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On hearing which Maqua, not to be outdone in politeness, extended his hand for another shake, and exclaimed "Watchee!" with profound gravity. Mozwa, with some hesitation, imitated his father's example. While we were thus pleasantly engaged, a sonorous trumpet sound was heard behind the clump of small trees near us.

To his call Beorn had made no reply, had only turned his head and nodded, while Peggy, stooping over a pile of furs, had thrown him the customary salutation of the Cree Indian to the white man, used both on arrival and departure, "Watchee" which is a corruption of "What cheer."

Glancing round till his black eyes caught sight of old Mrs Liston in a darkish corner on a sofa, he stepped forward, and, stooping to grasp one of her small hands in both of his, said tenderly "Watchee." "What cheer what cheer?" said the accommodating old lady, responding to the salutation in kind. "Tell him, George, that I'm so happy to see once again the friend of my beloved William."

"Yes, tell Mr Leardon watchee watchee, killee allee pilate." "Yes," I said; and I hurried away, muttering, "Watchee watchee, killee. What stuff they do talk! Any one would think they were all big babies, who had been taught to speak English by a nurse." As I reached the deck I saw Barkins and Smith standing by the first lieutenant, and he was nodding his head.

"Where you come from?" he asked, after shaking hands with the Indian and giving him the salutation, "watchee?" A shake of the head was the reply. "Where you go go?" said Kenneth, in the hope apparently that emphasis might awaken intelligence. Again the Indian shook his head. "What's the use of asking him?" said McLeod senior. "See, here is a language that is understood by all men."

"Watchee! watchee!" echoed Big Otter, returning the hearty salutation as well as his tongue could manage it, and giving us each a powerful squeeze with his huge bony hand, which temporary exhaustion had not appreciably reduced in strength.

Man who watchee you him go sleep. Me got ponies, water, eblyting. Make um number one quick." With quick, beating pulses the brother and sister slipped from the door and out into the valley. It was moonlight-that is to say, the moon had risen, but a peculiar haze overcast the sky and the light of the luminary of the night only served to make the darkness more visible.

"What cheer? what cheer, Mozwa?" cried the trader as he reached over the side and shook the Indian heartily by the hand. "Watchee! watchee!" repeated Mozwa, returning the shake with equal good-will, though undisturbed solemnity. The trader's surmise proved to be correct.

"Shoot bird now," said Ching, in answer to an inquiring look from Mr Brooke. "Yes; but do you think the junks are up here?" "Oh yes, velly quite su'e. Plenty eye in boat watchee see what Queen Victolia offlicer going to do uppee river." "What does he mean?" said Mr Brooke, who was puzzled by this last rather enigmatical speech.

Placing his gun and snow-shoes in a corner, after solemnly responding "watchee, watchee," to Macnab's "what cheer," the red-man seated himself on the floor beside the stove, with silent disregard of the chair that his host politely offered.