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"He go hell," remarked Sing, pleasantly. Me ketchum. Me killum him. Goo-bye, me go cookem velly fine dinner. Missie Jo, Massa Land, you get marry now. Me hope you ketchem plenty boy!" From his point of view what greater blessing could he wish them?

"I reckon I'll stretch my legs in that direction after breakfast. Suppose we go up and see what the Doc says about Jimmy?" In the meantime, the doctor had examined his patient's leg, quietly ignoring the flood of excited questions hurled at him by the boy. "Him velly bad," he declared at length. "You keep him still while I get bullet out, mebbe he get well.

The boat came back with Ching looking disappointed, and his yellow forehead ploughed with parallel lines. "Ching know," he said to me one evening mysteriously. "Know what?" I said. "Plenty pilate boat hide away in island. No come while big ship Teasler here." "Oh, wait a bit," I said; "we shall catch them yet." "No, catchee," he said despondently. "Pilate velly cunning.

"For the last time," said Kerry, stooping and thrusting his face forward so that his nose was only some six inches from that of Sin Sin Wa, "where's Mrs. Sin?" "Catchee lun off," replied the Chinaman blandly. "Velly bad woman. Tlief woman. Catchee stealee alla my dollars!" "Eh!" Kerry stood upright, moving his shoulders and rattling the handcuffs.

All time play, that velly superstich! Nobody got time to work." "That's all right," Van assured him. "The boys here wish to apologize for wasting your valuable time. In fact, they insist. Now then, boys, down on your knees, every Jack in the crowd." That gun of his had a horribly loose way of waving about to cover all the men. They slumped to, rather than knelt on, their knees.

All samee Gov'ment license. Pay heap money. No can help if man die. Plenty China-boy die too. This velly lespectable place." The Bishop recalled himself as from a dream. During the few moments he had spent looking down upon the huddled figure, he seemed to have grown older, to have shrunken down, to have lost something of his fine, arrogant hearing and conscious superiority.

"Man want see Master," he explained laconically, with the imperturbability of the East. "What like man?" enquired the Bishop, in pidgin English. "China man," came the response. "Must see Master. All belong velly important." A quick foreboding possessed the Bishop, even in this hour of his tranquillity. "Show him here," he replied, after a second's consideration.

My own father emigrated from England, and I am not likely to say anything against the class to which he belonged. Now, boys, you have had enough sport out of the poor Chinaman. I advise you to let him go." Ki Sing grasped at this suggestion. "Melican man speak velly good," he said. "Of course, you think so," sneered O'Reilly.

Noon was hot, but he found water and by sundown he came to the cañon trail. He wanted Joan as badly now as a hurt child wants its mother. He came, haggard and breathless, to the door, called "Joan," came into the warm little room and found it empty. Wen Ho, to be sure, pattered to meet him. "Mister Gael been gone a long time, velly long, all night. Wen Ho, he fix bed, fix breakfast oh, the lady?

"May we begin at once?" "Ye-es," said the lieutenant thoughtfully. "I think that's all you can do. Yes," he said decidedly; "take the job in hand, Mr Herrick, and help it along. I want to have twenty men looking like a Chinese crew by to-morrow." "Come along, Ching." "Yes," he said. "Do it velly well. Chinese pilate velly cunning fellow. You go gettee two junk, put men on board."