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And all the time the umberella was doing rat-a-tat tats on the gate, while a voice much too loud for the potman's started calling out: "Watch-man ahoy!" "They're calling you, Bill," ses the skipper. "I ain't deaf," I ses, very cold. "Well, I wish I was," ses the skipper. "It's fair making my ear ache. Why the blazes don't you do your dooty, and open the gate?"

For five years I have been storing away money, and, at the same time, starving myself, body and soul. "Soon after my arrival here, remembering the fortune-teller's riddle, I decided that I would keep a goose to serve as night watch-man instead of a dog. In this way I made a start at working out the riddle." "But I am not a mad goose," hissed the gander angrily.

Do you know it is after midnight, and young girls like you are never safe in these streets at such hours?" "Oh, sir," said Blanche, bursting into tears, "my grandpapa was taken very ill. I had no one to send, you know, and of course I had to go for assistance myself. I looked all up and down the street, and saw nobody, not even a watch-man; so I put on my cloak, and ran for the doctor.

Always did say that a man who's going to gamble is smart to cover his bets." At the control tower they parted, and Tom walked into the clearance office. Johnny's watch-man had startled him, and for the first time he felt a chill of apprehension.

Be this as it may, I grew weary of training for a saturnine young man; and, in the midst of my doubt, I chanced upon a book the hero of which was a debonnaire young buck, own cousin to Tom and Jerry. He attended fights, both of cocks and men, flirted with actresses, wrenched off door-knockers, extinguished street lamps, played many a merry jest upon many an unappreciative night watch-man.

In the officers' half of the hut most people were already busy with their knives and forks, two or three perhaps just sitting down, the night watch-man probably sitting up on the edge of his bunk putting on his slippers, and cheerfully accepting the friendly insults from his pals at table who told him the date and year down went ski-sticks on the bed, room would be made at the table, and half a dozen dishes pushed your way, and although the mess-traps were enamelled, the food you shuffled down from the tin plate and the cocoa you lapped from the blue and white mug had not its equal at the Carlton, the Ritz, or the Berkeley.

And all the time the umberella was doing rat-a-tat tats on the gate, while a voice much too loud for the potman's started calling out: "Watch-man ahoy!" "They're calling you, Bill," ses the skipper. "I ain't deaf," I ses, very cold. "Well, I wish I was," ses the skipper. "It's fair making my ear ache. Why the blazes don't you do your dooty, and open the gate?"

The window of Peter's office faced east, and the rays of the morning sun shining dazzlingly in his eyes forced him back to a consciousness of things mundane. He rose, and went downstairs, to find the night watch-man just opening the building. Fortunately he had already met the man, so that he was not suspected as an intruder; and giving him a pleasant "good-morning," Peter passed into the street.

"The skipper's goings-on 'ave got nothing to do with me." "Then she can foller him 'ome in the morning," ses the skipper. "Good night, watch-man." Him and the mate 'elped the silly old thing to the ship, and, arter I 'ad been round to the Bear's Head and fetched a pint for the police-man, I locked up and sat down to think things out; and the more I thought the worse they seemed.

John Hayes Hammond, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Frick were all poor boys...." He paused once more and let his eyes wander to the bottom of the page and dwell upon this addendum. As he held the book in his hand he was interrupted by a low knock on the door. Perhaps the night watch-man had come up with a question.