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After tea that day Acton went down to the farm solus, not having, as you will presently see, any need of Jack's company, even if Bourne had felt any desire to accompany him, which he didn't. The monitor tinkled his bell, and in answer to the ringing, Raffles lounged out of a barn, the inseparable Warmint trotting at his master's heels. "Suppose we'd better go into the stable, Raffles."

Warmint Blake, who upon divers occasions has distinguished himself in a manner that would not have disgraced the fighting man, and who- having been a pretty long time about town-had the honour of once shaking hands with the celebrated Mr. Thurtell himself.

But the biggest of the blacks, one of the two armed with capstan bars, rushed down after him, followed by his brave companion, and the next minute there was the sound of a plunge, evidently from the cabin window. Mark and Tom Fillot rushed to the stern together, and looked over. "Have they killed him?" said the midshipman, hoarsely. "No, sir; he's swimming like a seal the warmint.

"They won't want any knives and forks and plates, young 'un. Wait a moment. Where's the tobacco?" This was produced in its tub, and in obedience to his orders Carey took out twenty of the long square compressed cakes. "That's right. Twenty of 'em, and don't let either of the warmint snatch two." "How am I to stop them?" said Carey, bitterly. "Got a fist, haven't you?" Carey nodded shortly.

By heavens, I declare I've dreamt of nothing else all night, and the worst of it is, that in a par-ox-ism of delight, when I thought I saw the darlings running into the warmint, I brought Mrs. J such a dig in the side as knocked her out of bed, and she swears she'll go to Jenner, and the court for the protection of injured ribs! But come jump up where's your nag?

For the boy had made a dash for liberty, and it was only after a severe struggle that he was held down, and this time I was the sufferer; for, as I helped to keep him from springing overboard, he swung his head round and fixed his teeth in my left arm in a pinch that seemed to be scooping out a circular piece of flesh. "Well, he is a warmint, and no mistake. Let go, will you, sir?"

I'm waiting to see him down some day, and carry him in." "To be sure," growled old Dick. "Orficers is orficers, and there 'aint one aboard this ship as wouldn't jump overboard to save any man, even if it was such a grumbling warmint as old Sim here."

Acting mentioned to me as how Warmint might amuse you." "Warmint! What the deuce is that?" "Why, the dawg." "Well, it's a pretty ugly brute anyhow, Raffles." "It is so; it's the colour yellow is a mean colour. But he's a terror to go." "Where?" said Jack, uncivilly; for the man's manner, a mixture of familiarity and servility, had begun to pall on Jack's taste.

The embers could have been extinguished by making use of the same means as before, but the certainty of a denser volume of strangling smoke, to say nothing of the loss of the valuable article, prevented any use of the remedy. "Bress my soul, if dar isn't anoder warmint!" Dinah, rifle in hand, had stationed herself by the heavy door, against which she slightly leaned.

"O Sir 'Arry," said he I quote his exact words "that new mare's a wicious warmint; afore I was well into the stable, she ups and lets out at me just above the knee: I do believe as my thigh's broke." "Nonsense, man," said my uncle; "put the saddle on and bring her out." Presently the chestnut mare appeared; and I saw at once that she was not in the best of humours.