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If this were all the good that war could do, it would still be our ultimate gain that the great scourge is passing over the world. "Orficers," said "Pongo" Simpson, "is rum blokes. I've got a fam'ly of six kids back at 'ome, not counting Emma what's in service, an' I reckon my orficer's more trouble to look after nor all the lot of 'em put together.

"Eighteen year I done in the Royal Regiment," he went on, and his voice trembled a little, "and me father a battery sergeant-major before me, and I never thought to see one of our orficers go over to the enemy.

"She says, mum, as she don't need nothin' at all, and I think, mum, she kinder shrinks from the orficers' wives more than from the soldiers' wives." Anita, who was sitting by, went to her mother and, putting her arms around Mrs. Fortescue's neck, whispered: "Mother, let me go to see Mrs. Lawrence. I don't think she will mind seeing me. You and daddy are always telling me that I am only a child."

All I wish you to understand is that I am prepared as you are yourself to lend every hand to the business we have afore us, and as I took the opportunity to say as much to the Orficers not three-quarters of an hour ago to leave no stone unturned as may throw even a spark of light on this painful matter." In fact, Mr.

"Oh, we ain't going to hunt them at all, only keep 'em from coming by us, and driving 'em up to where the orficers are." "I say," said another sailor, "this here's all very well, but suppose some time or another, when these Malay chaps have got us out into the middle of these woods, they turn upon us, and whip out their krises what then?"

"Ay, the press is hot in these days. Cap'n sent us here to be out o' the way, and the orficers to look arter us. Not but what 'tis safer for them too; for if Mr. Sunman showed his cock-eyes anywhere near the Pool, he'd be nabbed by the bailiffs, sure as he's second mate o' the Good Intent. Goin' to sea's bad enough, but the Waterman's Rest and holdin' on the slack here's worse, eh, mateys?"

"Yah!" cried Private Sim, with an ugly snarl; "there's yer nasty favouritism. See how they're all a-cuddling and messing that there Gray up, orficers and women and all. Might ha' died afore they'd ha' done anything for me." "Why, you caulking, miching lubber," growled old Dick, "you had ten times as much trouble 'stowed on you as you deserved.

"Well, as I was sayin', gentlemen, I was up on a bit of hillock near Fritz's support line when I sees the Captain here. He was settin' all comfortable in a shell-hole, his glasses in his hand, chattin' quite friendly like with two of the Gers. orficers, I reckoned they was, along o' the silver lace on their collars.

"It's two magnifyin' glasses in short tubes fastened side by side, what you put to your eye an' then you bring things near to you an' see 'em big." "Then I wish I had one too, Jim. I'd like to see the face o' that British colonel. I know that the blood hez all run to his head an' that he's hoppin' mad. Them reg'lar army orficers ain't never much good in the woods.

No more you can't, and I ain't going to tell you. So just you say that!" "I'm your man, missis. On'y I shan't see him, like as not. He don't stop in one place. The orficers are after him the police." Then Aunt M'riar showed her weak and womanish character.