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Eugen Stahlberg and Lieutenant Walldorf, free from duty for the time being, were in Prince Adelsberg's quarters. Walldorf had been thrown from his horse the previous evening, and his hand had been injured, and this prevented him from going out with his company, as Egon had done.

But you see, she took it into her head that she must be loved to distraction; nothing less romantic would do for her. Well, Herr von Walldorf seems to answer all her requirements. He related to me with the greatest satisfaction how he fell on his knees and assured her he could not live without her, and how she gave him a similar touching assurance, with more to the same effect.

Suspicious characters were arrested daily, particularly from the relief corps, but Prince Adelsberg hesitated, as if he feared the sound of his own voice, then he gave the answer: "Tell the Herr Captain to send the prisoner here. We relieve the guard in two hours, and he can be taken on to headquarters at once." "I hope we can make the churl say something," said Walldorf.

But you can banish your gloomy thoughts, for here he comes." There was a quick step without on the stair; the old man gave a relieved sigh, but when the door opened it was only Eugen's man who appeared. "Isn't his highness coming?" asked Walldorf; but Stadinger gave the man no time to answer. He had glanced at his face, only a glance, then he started forward and seized his hand half-frantically.

Toni's caught the fever, too, and nothing would do but that Walldorf and she should be married at once; but I put my foot down on that. I said the circumstances were quite different, and that I had no intention of being left all alone like a cat."

He's always first with his men and has been victorious beyond belief. It seems as if no difficulties were too great for him to surmount." "He seems to stand at the head," answered Lieutenant Walldorf. "He may take R while we are lying here idle; perhaps he has taken it already. No news can reach us with the enemy between."

I thought you were going to buy them an estate first and settle the matter more slowly!" "No, they wouldn't wait or listen to reason. Our warriors make great demands when they come home covered with glory. Walldorf said to me quite coolly: 'You know you said first conquer then marry. Well we have conquered; now I shall marry without any delay.

He was not unknown to the other officers, either, for they all greeted him with a shout. "Well, we must have lights now, that your highness may have a good view of this old 'ghost of the woods," cried Walldorf, as he lit two candles and placed them with comic gravity before the old man.

"We have seized a suspicious looking man, dressed as a peasant, but probably from the relief corps, who was sneaking into the fortress. There was some writing found on him." "Come over closer," ordered Walldorf sharply. "I can't hear you over there by the door." The soldier obeyed at once, and stepped up to the officers.

"When I last saw you at Fürstenstein I was to be the future son of that house, but " "That's all changed," interrupted Egon, laughing. "I know all about it from a comrade of mine, Lieutenant Walldorf, who is to marry your cousin, Fräulein von Schönau. My words had reference to Fräulein Marietta Volkmar." "Now Frau von Eschenhagen." "What! you are a married man?" "And have been for five months.