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"O, you need not doubt that the duke and duchess are quite of my opinion. Frau von Wallmoden is really a beauty Prince Adelsberg seems to think so also. Perhaps you have not noticed how greatly he admires her?" "Yes, your highness, I have noticed it." "Really? And what do you say to it?" "I?" asked Wallmoden, composedly.

Prince Adelsberg, who was in the ducal box, was as much excited as if he had written the drama himself. His aunt, too, was greatly interested in the success of the evening's entertainment, and had been looking carefully over the play bill when he entered the box; she called him to her at once. "Our young friend seems to have his whims like all other poets," she remarked.

The finest cavern of Europe, the Adelsberg Grotto, is in this region. Karst, the name of a part of this country, is now used to designate any region or landscape thus sculptured by the chemical action of surface and ground water.

As long as the duke is at Fürstenstein, Prince Adelsberg will not be apt to desert his hunting lodge. Later I intend accompanying him to the capital." "And there we shall hear of you as a poet, I presume?" "Of me, my dear baroness?" "I heard so at least, from the prince." "O, that is only one of Egon's ideas," said Hartmut, lightly.

"Through Prince Adelsberg, who was with me to-day. You received a letter from him this morning?" "No, only some intelligence," responded Hartmut, with drawn lips. "The few short lines contained no word directed personally to me, only business, only a communication which the prince thought necessary to make I understood it!"

Wallmoden was still in Berlin, though over two weeks had elapsed since he left the castle, and he had not yet been able to write definitely as to the date of his return. One of the most frequent guests at Fürstenstein was Prince Egon Adelsberg, who was an acknowledged favorite among his princely kinsfolk, and his friend Rojanow was always included in the invitations sent to Rodeck.

Once in a while Prince Adelsberg succumbs to the, rules of etiquette. But as to this invitation, it signifies nothing; every one is invited here to-day." The ambassador shrugged his shoulders. "It is hardly wise to invite persons about whom you know absolutely nothing into your midst." "You diplomatists want all the credentials sealed and delivered," laughed his brother-in-law.

The head forester looked at her gravely for a moment, then he seized her hand and pressed it warmly, as he said: "Yes, I see, Regine, and perhaps you'll repent ere long of your no in another matter, and give a yes instead." The old steward of Rodeck stood in his master's dressing-room in the Adelsberg palace.

O my God!" Prince Adelsberg and his friend had, in the meantime, been dismissed, and had made profound bows before the princess as she rose to leave the room. The sharp features of her highness wore an unusually mild expression, and Rojanow was favored with a very gracious smile as she departed. "Hartmut, I believe you are a witch," said Egon, half aloud.

Suspicious characters were arrested daily, particularly from the relief corps, but Prince Adelsberg hesitated, as if he feared the sound of his own voice, then he gave the answer: "Tell the Herr Captain to send the prisoner here. We relieve the guard in two hours, and he can be taken on to headquarters at once." "I hope we can make the churl say something," said Walldorf.