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An' would she take the box ter Colb'ry in her grandad's wagin, an' send it ter him by express. He hed tole her once whar he hed placed it an' ter mark the spot mo' percisely he hed noticed one Chilhowee lily bulb right beside it. An' then says the letter, 'Good bye, Chilhowee Lily! An' all them fellers stood staring."

It's the last move; and as pa has said ag'in an' ag'in, it ain't but six or eight hundred mile from Omaha, an' with the team an' wagin we've got, that's nothin' if we find the gold, an' I calculate there ain't no doubt of that. The Speak looks like the best place we ever started fur, and we all hope you'll leave this Land o' Desolation, an' come with us.

The young folks begun ter look behind em' fur the wagin. Some said I b'lieve 'twar Em'ry Keen an they could read the names on the boards plain, 'twar so light, the moon bein' nigh the full: but Em'ry never read nuthin' at night by the moon in his life; he ain't enny too capable o' wrastlin' with the alphabet with a strong daytime on his book ter light him ter knowledge.

So they stood thar in the road a-stare-gazin' them head-boards, like they expected every grave ter open an' the reveilly ter sound a-waitin' ter be overtook by the wagin, a-listenin', but hearin' nuthin' in the silence o' the frost not a dead leaf a-twirlin', nor a frozen blade o' grass astir.

"Looks like a wagin," says Measles. "'Tis a wagin, ain't it?" "No," I said, feeling that miserable I didn't know what to do; "it isn't a wagon, Sam; but Why, there's another. A couple of field-pieces!" "Nine-pounders, by all that's unlucky," said Measles, slapping his thigh. "Then I tell you what it is, Ike Smith it's about time we said our prayers."

"Dem little niggers'll hatter stay at home," said Mammy, sharply, eyeing the little darkies, "or else they'll hatter walk, caze Daddy's got ter come in dis wagin. Now, you git out, you little niggers."

If you kin, I think I'll go myself, but I don't want to git my boots all dust, he says. I allowed I c'd try; an' I guess them bare feet o' mine tore up the dust some gettin' over to the wagin. Wa'al, I had another scare gettin' the tickits, fer fear some one that knowed me 'd see me with a half-a-dollar, an' think I must 'a' stole the money.

"I reckon the man that lives in thar could go to a sale up whar we live an' buy every wagin an' team on the place," said Laz, pointing toward the fading state-house, and Mose replied: "Reckon h h h he could t t t talk all day without a h h hitch." "Whar do we sleep to-night, with some of the neighbors?" Laz inquired, and Foster laughed.

"There was a team went down here five years ago, jist off that maple-tree there, horse, wagin, and all, an'clock two men, brothers they was, too; one man hung onto a branch or suthin'clock, and was ketched and saved; t'other one got crushed to jelly. It was a terrible dark night." Even Gypsy gave a little shiver during this entertaining conversation, and was glad they had come up in the daytime.

"The oxen is Medory's, bein' lef' ter her whenst her dad died, an' the wagin is mine! Quit foolin' along o' that thar fire, Medory!" For with her bright hair hanging curling over her cheeks his young wife had leaned forward to start it anew.