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"Jes' gin Jonas the word from me," said the young blacksmith, meaning no harm and laughing good-naturedly, "ez I kin tell him percisely what makes him see harnts; it air drinkin' so much o' this onhealthy whiskey, what hain't got no tax paid onto it. I looks ter see him jes' a-staggerin' the nex' time I comes up with him." Old Daddy rose with affronted dignity.

You didn't see me steal it! You ain't never a goin' to gi' me in charge? James. Wrong again, young un! That's? percisely what I am a goin' to do! Bill. Oh, sir! please, sir! I'm a honest boy. It's the Bible-truth. I'll kiss twenty books on it. James. I won't ax you. Why, sir, he ain't even one o' the shoe-brigade. He 'ain't got a red coat.

"That's him, percisely," responded Jim Dow. "He don't look like it," said Stebbins, jumping down at last, but still speaking under his breath. "Waal, thar ain't no countin' on boys by the outside on 'em," returned the constable emphatically; he had an unruly son of his own. The sheriff walked up to Barney. "You're Barney Pratt, are you? Well, youngster, you'll come along with us."

Think, now it's somebody you all know." And when they had given it up as a puzzle too hard for them to guess he said: "Why, ain't it got percisely the same color and the same look about it as Mr. Dudley Stackpole's face? Why, it's a perfect imitation of him! That's whut I said to myself all in a flash when I first seen it bouncin' on the end of this here black birch limb out yonder in the flats."

An' there the two fellers be, a sailin' up an' down the S'n. Lor'nce, as happy as two clams in high water, workin' up corners in their wages, an' playin' into one another's hands like a pair of pickpockets; and what do ye think old Belcher said about Phipps?" "What did he say?" comes from every side. "Well, I can't tell percisely," responds Jim.

I been too much for one on 'em, though. I ha' run him down. And, Mattie, I've found the old gen'leman. Mat. My father, Bill? Bill. That's it percisely! Right as a trivet he is! Mat. Susan! take hold of me. My heart's going again. Bill. Lord! what's up wi' Mattie? She do look dreadful. Sus. You been an' upset her, you clumsy boy! Here run and fetch a sausage or two, and a Col. G. No, no!

"Ah, this is the place where you joined me?" "Percisely." "But where is he that is, his body?" "They've took it off; you know how hard the Comanches try to carry away their dead and wounded." "I saw a proof of that while hunting for Thunderbolt, but I didn't think they would be able to find this one."

"Wal," said he, at last, slowly and thoughtfully, "it'll take a man with a head as long as a hoss to answer that thar. It mought hold on, an then agin it moughtn't." "At any rate, I suppose we can drift." "O, yes; an of the wind doosn't come round too strong, we can git nigh down pooty close to St. John by mornin." "We'll run down with the tide." "Percisely."

"Cante say, masser, not percisely, as to dat ar'; kind o' seems to me he's done gone from hur, clar an' all; but jes over thar's a mighty good doctor; you can see his name afore the door if you'll step this yere way a bit.

Think, now it's somebody you all know." And when they had given it up as a puzzle too hard for them to guess he said: "Why, ain't it got percisely the same color and the same look about it as Mr. Dudley Stackpole's face? Why, it's a perfect imitation of him! That's whut I said to myself all in a flash when I first seen it bouncin' on the end of this here black birch limb out yonder in the flats."