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On our arrival "schnapps" before the feast had evidently been too much for them, and ere dinner was over they were all to use a mild expression overcome. We left them at midnight to go on board our steamer, embracing each other and singing "Die Wacht am Rhein" at the top of their voice a performance hardly appreciated, I should imagine, by the occupants of the adjoining bungalows.

He saw moving-pictures of Germany; he went to meetings which commenced with "Die Wacht am Rhine." One Christmas he received a handsome copy of a photograph of the Kaiser through the mail. He never knew who sent it, but he had it framed in a gilt frame, and it hung over the fireplace in the sitting-room. He had been adopted by America, but he had not adopted America, save his own tiny bit of it.

Moreover, he could endure to be enlightened by a Britisher on such little facts as the true history of Auld Robin Gray and the Wacht am Rhein. The lecture was a marked success. We have another tonight, 16th. It has resulted in a proposal to these two interesting performers to accompany the great Gracchus on a tour through the leading 'cities, lecturing by turns with him and assisting.

The whistle blew, the locomotive screeched, and the next moment we were gliding out of the station to the accompaniment of wild cheering, good wishes for a safe journey and speedy return, and the strains of music which presently swelled into a roar about "Wacht am Rhein."

"Slowly feeling its way, the train crept over the Brenner it took twelve hours; in Innsbruck the station was crowded with Germans to welcome the warriors, and the ancient hills echoed again and again the 'Wacht am Rhein. The solemnity which had marked the first days in Munich had given place to boisterous joy.

There is great joy in this Court for his being taken, and a hundred thousand crownes, I am told very privately, set upon his head; the French Ambassador in England wacht him, and hee has given the intelligence here of his being employed by the King, and sent into Switzerland by my Master to draw the Swisses into the Triple League.

In the evening the Mayor gave a banquet which passed off as in the good days before the war. The rooms were decorated with German and American flags, the band played the "Wacht am Rhein," and many speeches were made on the good relations between the two countries. Feeling in the New England state has always been particularly unfavorable to us.

'No wan ye know, says Donahue; 'he's a German musician. 'Thim Germans is hot people f'r music, says Cassidy. 'I knowed wan that cud play th' "Wacht am Rhine" on a pair iv cymbals, he says, 'Whisht! says Donahue. 'Give th' girl a chanst. "Slavin tol' me about it. He says he niver heerd th' like in his born days.

At intervals we heard the captain speaking with great force and enthusiasm, the hurrahs of the men, an occasional "Vaterland, Vaterland," and again and ever, "Die Wacht am Rhein." August 26th, Wednesday. One is a hardware merchant en civil and has a brown beard and the asthma; the other is a lawyer, with big, blinking eyes and they both looked as if they hated war.

Then big Alec Beaubien, the Circle City king, demanded the "Marseillaise," and the company broke up chanting "Die Wacht am Rhein" to the frosty night. "Don't come on these nights," Frona whispered to Corliss at parting. "We haven't spoken three words, and I know we shall be good friends. Did Dave Harney succeed in getting any sugar out of you?"