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"You must leave all your wet things to be dried." "O! entre frères! In any boat-house in England we should find the same." "En Angleterre, vous employez des sliding-seats, n'est-ce pas?" "We are all employed in commerce during the day; but in the evening, voyez-vous, nous sommes sèrieux." These were the words.

"Il etait seul, bien seul, but there was some one else dans l'antichambre, oui, je m'en souviens, et puis... Though I believe there was some one else besides, and there was a guard standing in the entry. You must ask Nastasya; she knows all about it better than I do. J'etais surexcite, voyez-vous.

Enfin, he must be what no man is. Voyez-vous?" and she pointed the finger of scorn at Philidor. "He eats just as you or I." Madame GuŽgou laughed. "What you require is no man at all. Mademoiselle Yvonne, but a saint." "Perhaps," she finished, yawning. "But, bien entendu, I'm in no hurry."

"Il faut etre prit, voyez-vous," he said, looking at me significantly, "chaque moment... they may come and take one and, phew! a man disappears." "Heavens! who'll come? Who will take you?" "Voyez-vous, mon cher, I asked straight out when he was going away, what would they do to me now." "You'd better have asked them where you'd be exiled!" I cried out in the same indignation.

A curious incident happened during one of the attacks. De Bassignac, a captain in the battalion of Royal Roussillon, tied his handkerchief to the end of a musket and waved it over the breastwork in defiance. The English mistook it for a sign of surrender, and came forward with all possible speed, holding their muskets crossed over their heads in both hands, and crying Quarter. The French made the same mistake; and thinking that their enemies were giving themselves up as prisoners, ceased firing, and mounted on the top of the breastwork to receive them. Captain Pouchot, astonished, as he says, to see them perched there, looked out to learn the cause, and saw that the enemy meant anything but surrender. Whereupon he shouted with all his might: "Tirez! Tirez! Ne voyez-vous pas que ces gens-l

Do you then pretend to support yourself by that in this Department?" The Arethusa modestly disclaimed the pretension. The Commissary had scored a point. The Commissary: "Why, then, do you travel?" The Arethusa: "I travel for pleasure." Voyez-vous, je suis un homme intelligent!" And here the Arethusa, not yet sufficiently awake to his position, fell into a grave mistake.

"Mais certainement!" he said frankly and emphatically. "Phil-eep is a favorite everywhere! Yet not more so with women than with men. I love him extremely he is a charming boy! Then you see, chere Mademoiselle, he is rich, very rich, and there are so many pretty girls who are very poor, naturally they are enchanted with our Errington voyez-vous?"

Also because I could not live on charity on my friend, for, voyez-vous, I was without a sou all my money having been hidden in the well by Père Grigou." Doggie leant his elbows on the table. "And you have come through all that, Mademoiselle Jeanne, just as you are ?" "How, just as I am?" "So gentle and kind and comprehending?" Her cheek flushed.

"Voyez-vous," cried she, "comme elle est propre, cette demoiselle Lucie? Vous aimez done cette allee, Meess?" "Yes," I said, "it is quiet and shady."

No poet ever had such a lucky chance before voyez-vous to survive his own death, though many a one has survived his own immortality. Dici miser ante obitum nemo debet call no man wretched till he's dead. 'Tis not till the journey is over that one can see the perspective truthfully and the tombstones of one's hopes and illusions marking the weary miles.