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It was introduced in the Senate January 7, by David J. Reinhardt; in the House by Albert I. Swan. The members had been previously circularized by the corresponding secretary, Miss Mary R. de Vou, announcing this action in the spirit of the age, in the name of justice and democracy and for the credit of the State.

Cranston, Arthur R. Spaid, county superintendent of schools; George B. Miller, president of the board of education; Miss Grace B. Tounsend and Miss de Vou. This was refused and the charter was defeated by an overwhelming majority with no suffrage clause to handicap it. In February the club held a large public meeting at the New Century Club with the Rev. Dr.

"But," said William W. Kolderup at last, "you have not remained six months in the hold, I suppose?" "No!" answered Seng Vou. "Where have you been, then?" "On the island!" "You!" exclaimed Godfrey. "Yes." "Then the smoke?" "A man must have a fire!" "And you did not attempt to come to us, to share our living?" "A Chinaman likes to live alone," quietly replied Seng Vou.

As a matter of fact they are so serious, even in their fun, that the Californian romancer, Bret Harte, has told us that he never saw a genuine Chinaman laugh, and has even confessed that he is unable to say whether one of the national pieces he witnessed was a tragedy or a farce. In short, Seng Vou was a comedian.

He hain't handsome no ways, an' I think he'd look a good deal better on ther table roasted, than he does out here on ther street." Up to that moment Dan had been disposed to trust this boy who was so friendly; but when he spoke so slightingly of Crippy, he was disappointed in him. "Vou don't know Crippy, or you wouldn't say that," replied Dan, gravely.

"Good!" said Godfrey, "the smoke is explained by the presence of Seng Vou; but the beasts?" "And my crocodile!" added Tartlet; "I should like some one to explain my crocodile!" William W. Kolderup seemed much embarrassed, and feeling in turn quite mystified, passed his hand over his forehead as if to clear the clouds away. "We shall know later on," he said.

Goethe was greatly influenced by the reading of Goldsmith's 'Vicar of Wakefield, just at the critical moment of his mental development; and he attributed to it much of his best education. The reading of a prose 'Life of Gotz vou Berlichingen' afterwards stimulated him to delineate his character in a poetic form.

"You look very young to " Suddenly Tess saw light again, and the discovery caused her pupils to contract a little and then dilate. The Rajput noticed it, and laughed. Then, leaning forward: "How did vou know I am a woman? Tell me. I must know. I shall study to act better."

Sydney, thoughtfully displaying his garments to their full advantage, edged close to his mother and whispered, "Can I call pa Bill now?" Our boys in France need little guidance to become on good terms with the French girls. The following hints at conversation have therefore been made as simple as possible: Bong swah, mad-mwa-zell! Vou zay tray beautiful. Kesker say votr name?

"Our ship was a first class freighter and passage vessel, and on the home voyage we had plenty of ladies. 'Twas surprisin' to see how natural like the boy took to 'em, and how they all liked him. He was constantly learning something, and soon got so he could parley vou like a real frog-eating Frenchman.