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Carcineutes, sexual difference of colour in. Carcinus moenas. Cardinalis virginianus. Carduelis elegans, sexual differences of the beak in. Carnivora, marine, polygamous habits of; sexual differences in the colours of. Carp, numerical proportion of the sexes in the. Carr, R., on the peewit. Carrier pigeon, late development of the wattle in the. Carrion beetles, stridulation of.

Now, in some few cases, the two sexes of the same species appear to have been differently affected; in the Agelaeus phoeniceus the males have had their colours greatly intensified in the south; whereas with Cardinalis virginianus it is the females which have been thus affected; with Quiscalus major the females have been rendered extremely variable in tint, whilst the males remain nearly uniform.

Capra aegagrus, crest of the male; sexual difference in the colour of. Capreolus Sibiricus subecaudatus. Caprice, common to man and animals. Caprimulgus, noise made by the males of some species of, with their wings. Caprimulgus virginianus, pairing of. Carabidae. Carbonnier, on the natural history of the pike; on the relative size of the sexes in fishes; courtship of Chinese Macropus.

Melithreptus gularis, GOULD. lunulata, VIEILL. Myzantha garrula, VIG. and HORSF. Phaps chalcoptera. elegans. Ocyphaps Lophotes. Geopelia cuneata. Dromeceius Novae-Hollandiae, VIEILL. Otis Australasianus, GOULD. OEdicnemus longipes, VIEILL. Haematopus fuliginosus, GOULD. longirostris, VIEILL. Eudromias Australis, GOULD. Lobivanellus lobatus. Sarciophorus pectoralis. Charadrius Virginianus?

She came of a good old family, the Cardinals, and, belonging to the Virginia branch, was called properly Virginia Cardinal, or, in scientific, fashion, Cardinalis Virginianus. She was a beauty, too.

For the Cervus alces of N. America, see 'Land and Water, 1868, pp. 221 and 254; and for the C. Virginianus and strongyloceros of the same continent, see J.D. Caton, in 'Ottawa Acad. of Nat. Sc. 1868, p. 13. For Cervus Eldi of Pegu, see Lieut.

Among these is the Ursus Americanus, of the black race; a fox; a stag, which perhaps does not differ from the Cervus virginianus, and the common beaver, which feeds on the large leaves of a Pothos, said by the inhabitants to be injurious to man. Besides these are observed a small Vespertilio with short ears, a Mustela, and a Phoca.

It is more probable that these two kinds are only varieties of the Genus Virginianus the difference in colour, and other respects, resulting from a difference in food, climate, and such like causes.

Cervus Eldi. Cervus mantchuricus. Cervus paludosus, colours of. Cervus strongyloceros. Cervus virginianus, horns of, in course of modification. Ceryle, male black-belted in some species of. Cetacea, nakedness of. Ceylon, frequent absence of beard in the natives of. Chaffinch, proportion of the sexes in the; courtship of the. Chaffinches, new mates found by.

Ike and Redwood were well acquainted with both kinds, as they had often trapped beaver in the countries where these deer are found; and they gave us a very good account of the habits of these animals, which showed that both species were in many respects similar to the Cervus Virginianus.