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The long shaggy hair, hanging loosely, presents an appearance altogether different from the uniform brush-like surface, which characterises the coats of ursus malayanus, euryspilus, americanus, ornatus, and frugilegus.

Tales like this, heard now and then about the fire while we watch the traps, give assurance that the fishermen are really very human after all and not of the Peter Pan species. The other variety of pickerel is Esox americanus, the banded pickerel, known hereabouts mainly as brook pickerel, because he loves grassy streams.

The Cygnus Americanus comes next; and, lastly, the small swans, that are among the very latest of migratory birds. The Trumpeters seek the north at the breaking up of the ice. Sometimes they arrive at a point in their journey where this has not taken place.

The bears that do so are either juvenile grizzlies or brown individuals of the versus americanus which are often mistaken for the grizzly. With "old Ephraim" himself the case is quite different, as we have already said.

The huge creature, loaded with fat, sank instantly to the bottom; but fortunately the water was shallow; and the Indian now coming in with his canoe, soon fished up the carcass, and towed it out upon the beach where its fur coat was stripped off in a trice. The range of the grizzly, though wider than that of the Barren Ground bear, is still not so extensive as that of the ursus americanus.

The badger, as nature made him, is a noble bird, and though he resembles a skunk too much to be very proud of, they had no right to cut off his tail and stick it up like a sore thumb. As it is now the new comer to our Garden of Eden will not know whether our emblem is a Scotch terrier smelling into the archives of the State for a rat, or a defalcation, or a sic semper Americanus scunch.

And what differentiates our spook Spiritus Americanus from the ordinary ghost of literature is that it responds to the American sense of humor. Take Irving's stories for example. The Headless Horseman, that's a comic ghost story. And Rip Van Winkle consider what humor, and what good-humor, there is in the telling of his meeting with the goblin crew of Hendrik Hudson's men!

"Asinus excepted," muttered the Doctor, who by this time was discussing his portion of the hump, in utter forgetfulness of all its scientific attributes. "Asinus domesticus Americanus excepted." "I am glad to hear that so many of them are saved, though I know not the value of the animals you name; which is nothing uncommon, seeing how long it is that I have been out of the settlements.

But they have never heard of any bears more thoughtful than the bears of the Pecos, and it is doubtful if anybody else ever has. No man can associate with bears for any considerable length of time without having it impressed upon him that Ursus Americanus is nobody's fool.

We shall give our reasons and first, as to his distinctness from the ursus americanus. He is not like the latter, either in colour, shape of body, bulk, profile, physiognomy, length of feet or tail. He differs from both these, however, in other points as will presently be seen.