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But for the very reason that these controversialists wished to be just to Rome, they were bound to be just against her. They meant to be so; but events passed quickly, and leisure never came for a work which involved a serious appeal to history. Vide a striking review in the British Critic, April 1839, partly correcting and guarding the view given in the Tract.

"Come! come! we shall be late indeed," said Hal; "surely you've looked long enough, Ben, at this blue and red window." "I'm only thinking about these coloured shadows," said Ben. "I can show you when we go home, Ben," said his uncle, "an entertaining paper upon such shadows."* *Vide "Priestley's History of Vision," chapter on coloured shadows. "Hark!" cried Ben, "did you hear that noise?"

Jill had finished the first of many evening meals she was to partake of in the desert, and was lying on a heap of cushions listening to the clink of brass coffee utensils and porcelain cups, whilst sniffing appreciatively the aroma of Eastern coffee Easternly made, which is totally different to that which permeates the dim recesses draped with tinselled dusty hangings, and cluttered with Eastern stools and tables inlaid with mother o' pearl made in Birmingham, in the ubiquitous Oriental Cafe at which we meet the rest of us at eleven o'clock on Saturday morning at the seaside; nor does it resemble in the slightest that which is oilily poured forth in London town by the fat, oily, so-called "Son of the Crescent" who, wearing fez and baggy trousers, in some caravanserai West, Sou'-west or Nor'-west, has unfailingly been chief coffee-maker to the late Sultan, vide anyway the hotel advertisements.

* Vide supra, p. 489. However this may be, it would certainly be unfair to condemn the Zemstvo for not being greatly in advance of public opinion. If it endeavours strenuously to supply all clearly recognised wants, that is all that can reasonably be expected of it.

The blush that followed was hers, not his. "But what became of the thousand votes?" she asked hurriedly. He laughed. "Half an hour before the poll closed they had gone down to sixpence apiece like fish that wouldn't keep." "My! And were they all wasted?" "No. My rival bought them up. Vide the newspapers 'the polling was unusually heavy towards the close." "Really!" intervened Lady Chelmer.

March 7th. Arrived near Castello de Vide, and quartered in the neighbouring villages. Another deserter, who had also been taken at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, was here shot, under the sentence of a court martial. When he was paraded for that purpose, he protested against their right to shoot him, until he first received the arrears of pay which was due at the time of his desertion.

No farther notice has, I believe, been taken of it by any other writer whatever, although it appears to me to be singularly well calculated to gratify or to excite the curiosity of those who love to pry into the mysteries of human nature, and to mark the strange avenues by which mortals sometimes approach the gates of death. Vide Catal Manuscript. Sanct Ang. No. 817. 4to. Rom. 1532.

Literally, to perform the act of "rubbing the nose on the earth," expressive of extreme humility. The term zuhr strictly denotes the period devoted to the mid-day prayer, which is offered up after the sun has perceptibly declined from the meridian. Vide note 4, in page 14.

Vide Indian stories." "We have a crate of queer things from Calcutta." "Are you going to study law with Judge Ryder?" Mr. Bancroft inquired. "I think so." Then Helen pushed back her chair; and Mrs. Bancroft stood in her place long enough for us to reach the parlor door. "And I must go to the office," Mr. Bancroft said, so we had the parlor to ourselves; but Mr.

Ah! truly, on trouve au fond de tout le vide et le neant!" "Mr. Murray, if you insist upon your bitter Osher smile, why shut your eyes to the palpable analogy suggested? Human life is as fair and tempting as the fruit of 'Ain Jidy, till stung and poisoned by the Tenthredo of sin."