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A writer in the Ceylon Miscellany mentions, that they are often to be seen "crossing rivers and frequently mud-brooks near Chilaw; the adjacent thickets affording them shelter, and their food consisting of aquatic reptiles, crabs, and mollusca." Hodgson describes as dwelling in burrows, and being carnivorous and ranivorous? Vide Journ. As. Soc. IV. RODENTIA. Squirrels.

The members of the higher aristocracy were compelled, under pain of being deprived of the third of their income, to spend three months in the year at court. The citizen was oppressed by a variety of fresh taxes, by the newly-created monopolies of tobacco, salt, etc., and colonial imposts, by the tenfold rise of the excise and custom-house dues, etc. Vide Zahn in the Wuertemberg Annual.

Vide page 54. Conclusive as this example may be of its magnitude, yet it is infinitely below its attainable increase. The want of naval protection, and the patronage of government, has greatly fettered it, and exposed the property engaged therein, to the incursions and destructive depredations of the enemy.

Charlotte Smith's novels, and proofs. January 19. Uncle Adam, vide Inheritance, who retired last year from an official situation at the age of eighty-four, although subject to fits of giddiness, and although carefully watched by his accomplished daughter, is still in the habit of walking by himself if he can by possibility make an escape.

Vide Crome's Autobiography. Theresa entered into association with Huber, the journalist, whom she shortly afterward married. The chief conspirator was Hebenstreit, the commandant, who held, by his office, the keys to the arsenal, and had every place of importance in his power.

Official returns for four divisions of the Colony of New South Wales, give a decrease of the proportion of females to males of fifteen per cent. in two years. Vide Aborigines Protection Society Report, July, 1839, p. 69. In the same Report, p. 70, Mr.

Where there were families they lived as a rule in their own homes near the Missions. Thus there was no division of families. And even this sending has not always been honorably done. Vide the United States Indian Commissioner's report for 1900. He says: "These pupils are gathered from the cabin, the wickiup, and the tepee.

Constantinople est formée de diverses parties séparées: de sorte qu'il y a plus de vide que de plein. Les plus grosses caraques peuvent venir mouiller sous ses murs, comme

Dict. The Hangman of that Name, but now all his Successors. He exercised his office circa 1663-87. It was Ketch who bungled the execution of Monmouth. There are innumerable contemporary references to him. cf. Dryden's Epilogue to The Duke of Guise : 'Jack Ketch', says I, ''s an excellent physician. p. 286 The Nursery. Vide note, little Mrs. Ariell, Vol. II, p. 430-1. p. 287 King. Mr. Westwood.

Louis being very fine; and the steamboat, which was to have started I don't know how early in the morning, postponing, for the third or fourth time, her departure until the afternoon; we rode forward to an old French village on the river, called properly Carondelet, and nicknamed Vide Poche, and arranged that the packet should call for us there.