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"What?" asked Vasilisa, looking at him angrily and suspiciously. "Don't worry me! You are not writing for nothing; no fear, you'll be paid for it. Come, write: 'To our dear son-in-law, Andrey Hrisanfitch, and to our only beloved daughter, Yefimya Petrovna, with our love we send a low bow and our parental blessing abiding for ever." "Written; fire away."

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Well, permit me. Our benefactress is very much hurt at Grísha, because he didn't spend the night at home: he came in drunk, and didn't even ask forgiveness nor kiss her hand. It was this vexation that made her sick. And then this Nadezhda happened to come her way when she was angry.

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Why, benefactress, don't we know that your son, dear little soul! is struck with every creature he meets? MADAM ULANBÉKOV. You make me tired. VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. I'm so sorry for you, benefactress! Don't look for any consolation in this life! You scatter benefactions upon every one; but how do they repay you? The world is full of lust. MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Go away!

Nádya, go away, you're not needed here. LEONÍD. Well, I know why: you want to marry her off. MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Whether I do or not, my dear, is my own business. Furthermore, I do not like to have any one meddle in my arrangements. VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. What a clever young man you are; you know everything, you get into everything!

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. But that's my business. POTÁPYCH. Your spite's always getting in its work. VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Not spite, not spite, my friend! You're mistaken! I have just been so insulted that it's impossible to live in this world after it. I shall die, but I shall not forget. MADAM ULANBÉKOV enters. POTÁPYCH goes out. MADAM ULANBÉKOV and VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA

Then I stopped in to see the chief of police, and asked him to make NEGLIGÉNTOV head-clerk. VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. But, my benefactress, is he worthy? MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Don't interrupt! A strange man, our chief of police! I ask him, and he says: "There's no job!" I say to him: "You evidently don't understand who's asking you?"

From a side door there enter a footman with a samovar and a maid with a tea-service; they place both on the table and go out. GAVRÍLOVNA and POTÁPYCH enter after them. GAVRÍLOVNA prepares the tea. VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA enters from the garden. VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. My dear, you always serve me only water. GAVRÍLOVNA. It isn't good for you to drink strong tea, madam.

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. To wish the benefactress good morning. POTÁPYCH. You'd better not come. VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Why so? Phew! Lord forgive us! What a disposition! VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. You are saying insulting words to me, Potápych, insulting to my very heart. When did I ever say anything about you to the mistress? POTÁPYCH. If not about me, then about somebody else.

Inexhaustible were the treasures of the memory and the fantasy of this old woman, who oftentimes, in slumber, appeared to the boy now like the witch of the fairy-tales only a kind and amiable old witch now like the beautiful, all-wise Vasilisa.

POTÁPYCH. Vasilísa Peregrínovna stirred me up a lot on Grísha's account a while ago ... she stirred me up a lot, but I don't know. It's not my business, so I don't know anything about it. GAVRÍLOVNA. What's this you were saying about models? It would be better for her to show a better example herself! As it is, she only keeps shouting: "Watch, I tell you, watch the girls!"