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"But, I mustn't think of that," Tetlow went on. "As I was about to say, if she were to stay on in the offices some one some attractive man like you, only with the heart of a scoundrel " Norman laughed cynically. "Yes, a scoundrel!" reiterated the fat head-clerk. "Some scoundrel would tempt her beyond her power to resist. Money and clothes and luxury will do anything.

And our head-clerk Godeschal has been and is hereby proclaimed a flower of Basoche, and, more especially, a good fellow. May a man who treats so well be soon in treaty for a Practice of his own! On this record were stains of wine, pates, and candle-grease.

She also asked him whether there was anything fresh at the office, and he replied merrily: "Your friend, Ramon, who comes and dines here every Sunday, is going to leave us, little one. There is a new second head-clerk." She looked at her father, and with a precocious child's pity, she said: "Another man has been put over your head again."

Vodka, oats . . ." she muttered, half closing her eyes, "oats, bills, percentages, or, as my head-clerk says, 'percentage. . . . It's awful. Yesterday I simply turned the excise officer out. He pesters me with his Tralles. I said to him: 'Go to the devil with your Tralles! I can't see any one! He kissed my hand and went away. I tell you what: can't your cousin wait two or three months?"

Lucien and Lousteau followed Blondet, Finot, and Vernou, and stood in a knot at the back of the shop. "What is he doing?" asked Blondet of the head-clerk, who rose to bid him good-evening. "He is buying a weekly newspaper.

But Mr Dombey hardly seemed to think so, as he still stood with his back to the fire, drawn up to his full height, and looking at his head-clerk with a dignified composure, in which there seemed to lurk a stronger latent sense of power than usual.

"My lord," I cried piteously, "I do not know of what I am accused. And besides, I have done nothing! Nothing!" "Nothing!" half a dozen echoed. "Nothing!" the head-clerk added brutally. "Nothing, and you add a cipher to the census of Paris! Nothing, and your lying pen led my lord to state the population to be five millions instead of five hundred thousand!

"The petition is drawn up by his head-clerk Godeschal, who, as you know, is not strong in Chinese," said the lawyer.

She was not a woman to be daunted by trifles but on this occasion her courage failed her when she was confronted by her own question. The office hours, in the winter-time, began at nine o'clock. From the head-clerk to the messenger, not one of the persons employed slept in the house: it was Mr.

The opening of the year with all its festivities sufficiently explained the absences of the financier. On the last occasion Birotteau got as far as the office of the banker, where the head-clerk, a German, told him that Monsieur de Nucingen had returned at five in the morning from a ball at the Kellers', and would not be visible until half-past nine o'clock.