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Vandeloup pulled out two half-crowns and put them in the thin, claw- like fingers, which instantly closed on them. 'It's a mining place you're going to, said Slivers, pocketing the money; 'the Pactolus claim. There's a pretty woman there. Have a drink? Vandeloup declined, but his companion, with a grunt, pushed past him, and filling a tumbler with the whisky, drank it off.

'Madame, he said, passionately, 'you are an angel, for to-day you have saved the lives of two men. Madame snatched her hand away quickly, and a flush of annoyance spread over her face as she saw how Selina and Archie stared. Vandeloup, however, did not wait for her answer, but went out, followed by Pierre.

Meddlechip did not answer, but wrote out a cheque for six hundred pounds, and then handed it to Vandeloup, who received it with a bow and slipped it into his waistcoat pocket. 'With this, he said, touching his pocket, 'I hope to make nearly ten thousand in a fortnight. Meddlechip stared at him. 'I hope you will, he answered, gruffly, 'all the better for my purse if you do.

They, however, never knew how cleverly M. Vandeloup had turned their conversation to his advantage, and that young gentleman, now that he had made a decent sum, determined to touch gold mining no more, and, unlike many people, he kept his word.

'No need, my dear friend, he said in his grating voice, blinking at the young man through his spectacles, 'we can talk here. Vandeloup signed to the landlady to leave the room, which she did, closing the door after her, and then, pulling himself together with a great effort, he advanced smilingly on the doctor.

Noo, laddie, ye ma ken that at present we are in the bed o' ain o' these auld streams three hun'red feet frae the tap o' the earth, and it's here we get the gold, and as we gae on we follow the wandrin's o' the river and lose sight o' it. 'Yes, said Vandeloup quickly, 'but you lost this river you call the Devil's Lead how was that?

'I don't think that's a very original remark, she said coolly, producing an apple from her pocket. 'If that's all you've got to say, I hope Madame won't be long. Vandeloup laughed again at her petulance, and eyed her critically as she took a bit out of the red side of the apple with her white teeth. 'You like apples? he asked, very much amused by her candour.

'Language, observed M. Vandeloup, with a smile, 'was given to us to conceal our thoughts. Good night! And they parted. 'The comedy is over for the night, thought Gaston as he walked along, 'and it was so true to nature that the spectators never thought it was art. He was wrong, for Calton did.

He bent down and kissed her hand, which action was seen by Mr Villiers as he crawled out of the ditch. When Madame Midas was gone and Vandeloup could see her walking homeward, he turned to look for Mr Villiers, and found him seated on the edge of the ditch, all covered with mud and streaming with water presenting a most pitiable appearance.

When Vandeloup finished the song he dashed into a riotous student song which he had heard many a time in midnight Paris, and finally ended with singing Alfred de Musset's merry little chanson, which he thought especially appropriate to Kitty: Bonjour, Suzon, ma fleur des bois, Es-tu toujours la plus jolie, Je reviens, tel que tu me vois, D'un grand votage en Italie.