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'Yes, do come, urged Bellthorp, putting his arm in that of Vandeloup's; 'we'll have no end of fun. Vandeloup was just going to accept, as he thought on the way he could speak privately to Barty about this scheme he had, when he saw a stout gentleman at the end of the room taking a cup of coffee at the counter, and talking to another gentleman who was very tall and thin.

'What do you mean? asked Madame, leaning forward, with both hands gripping the arms of her chair; 'is is he alive? 'Of course he is, began Vandeloup; 'I but here he was stopped by a cry from Selina, for her mistress had fallen back in her chair in a dead faint. Hastily waving for the men to go away, she applied remedies, and Madame soon revived.

At the top of the street Vandeloup stepped into a cab, and telling the man to drive to the St Kilda Station, in Elizabeth Street, went off into a brown study. Pierre annoyed him seriously, as he never seemed to get rid of him, and the dumb man kept turning up every now and then like the mummy at the Egyptian feast to remind him of unpleasant things.

He must have been a very clever man to have escaped the French police. 'Ah, hum! said the doctor, rubbing his nose, 'very interesting indeed; strange case! 'Very, assented M. Vandeloup, as he arose to go, 'I must say good- bye now, doctor; but I am coming up to Ballarat on a visit shortly. 'Ah, hum! of course, replied Gollipeck, also rising, 'and we can have another talk over this book.

Surely 'Farewell to Lochaber', that bitter lament of the exile leaving bonny Scotland far behind. Vandeloup, who was not attending to the music, but thinking of Kitty, saw two big tears steal down McIntosh's severe face, and marvelled at such a sign of weakness. 'Sentiment from him? he muttered, in a cynical tone; 'why, I should have as soon expected blood from a stone.

'By the way, M. Vandeloup, she said in English, for it was only in the evenings they spoke French, 'I am expecting a young lady this morning, so you can tell her I have gone down the mine, but will be back in an hour if she will wait for me. 'Certainly, Madame, said Vandeloup, looking up with his bright smile; 'and the young lady's name?

Kitty, however, did not in the least mind being left to her own devices, for being an extremely pretty girl she soon had plenty of young men round her anxious to be introduced. She filled her programme rapidly and kept two valses for Vandeloup, as she knew he was going to be present, but he as yet had not made his appearance.

'No! no, she cried, wrenching them away, while an angry spot of colour glowed on her cheek, 'I loved you as you were not as you are now we are done with sentiment, M. Vandeloup, she said, sneering, 'and now our relations to one another will be purely business ones. He bowed and smiled.

All the young men were wonderfully taken up with Archie and his plain speaking, and had Mr McIntosh desired he could have drunk oceans of his favourite beverage. However, being a Scotchman and cautious, he took very little, and left Vandeloup to go down to Madame Midas at St Kilda, and bearing a message from the Frenchman that he would call there the next day.

'Then see. She took the stopper out of the bottle and held it to her lips. Vandeloup did not stir, but, still smoking, stood looking at her with a smile. His utter callousness was too much for her, and replacing the stopper again, she slipped the bottle into her pocket and let her hands fall idly by her side.