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The river Gozan, on which we are told Ghaznah lies, must appear to the reader to be ubiquitous. On p. 33 we find the Habor of Kurdistan is its affluent; on p. 55 it is at Dabaristan; on p. 59 in Khorasan. There is a simple solution of the difficulty. In each of the localities Benjamin was told that the river was called Gozan; for in the Mongolian language "Usun" is the name for water or river.

implies that the individual below whose name it occurs reached adult life, but died without issue. implies a child dead at early age, sex and name unknown. ? individual of unknown name. Sidi Karang's Door. Baiai Gau = ULAU. x Other Members of the Room. Mang = BORU TELLUN. Luat = ? Lim. o Ukang. o Lesun = BALU ULAN. Usun. Ajong's Door. Mawa Jungan's Door. Imoh's Door. Lirim. Pallavo's Door.

Great gaping fissures usun cracks we called them traversed and zig-zagged the hot, parching ground, on which not a blade of grass was to be seen.

In this way a Kayan chief of the Baram would construct a tolerably accurate map of the whole Baram district, putting in Bruni and USUN APO and the heads of the Rejang, Batang Kayan, Tutong, and Balait rivers. He knows that all the rivers run to the sea, though few Kayans have seen the sea or, indeed, been outside the basin of their own river.

But, in spite of these difficulties, by the year 1898 all the inhabitants of the district were paying the regular door-tax, crimes of violence had been almost abolished, trade was everywhere increasing, and peace was assured, save for the threat to it from one quarter, namely, the Madangs of Usun Apo and the neighbouring powerful settlements of Kenyahs across the water-parting in the head-waters of the Batang Kayan.

This was not the first exploration of the Silat, for the Resident had twice before journeyed up its lower reaches; but on this occasion it was necessary to penetrate to its very head, in order to reach the villages of the principal Madang chiefs, Saba Irang and Tama Usun Tasi.

So a pig was caught and tied by the legs, and when all the Madangs were assembled in Tama Usun Tasi's house, the pig was brought in and placed in front of the chiefs.

It was a large village comprising nine long houses disposed in a circle and containing probably not less than 2000 persons. Here he was received on the bank of the stream by a large body of Madangs headed by Tama Usun Tasi, who at once offered him the hospitality of his roof. The incidents of the visit have been described by the Resident, and passages from his account may here be transcribed:

Maga = ? Oyong Turing's Door. Seling = ? Sidi Ontong = ? OYONG LUJOK = Oyong Turing. x Maga. Lalo. LUNGA. USUN. SINGIM. x x x x Balu Kran's Door. LAUONG. Siggau. Balu Uding's Door. Sawa Taja = ? BALU KRAN. BALU UDING = Mawa Imang. Oyu Suo. Luat. o Aban Moun's Door. Kamang. Aban Magi's Door. Lara Wan's Door. Jalong. Katan. JULUT. Jawing. Kuleh. Balu Mening. o Tama An Lahing's Door. Tago.

About midday Tama Bulan and his followers, in full war costume, announced their intention of moving by bursting into the war-cry, a tremendous roar which was immediately answered by the people in the houses. The noise and excitement increased as the Baram people neared the house of Tama Usun Tasi, and guns with blank charges were fired.