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'Poor Dick! poor Dick! she said, patting his neck; 'be quiet; master Upstill will do thee no wrong. Be quiet, little man. As she thus talked to her genet, Upstill again drew near, now more surly than at first. 'Say what manner of woman art thou? he demanded with pompous anger. 'Whence comes thou, and whither does thee go? 'Home, answered Dorothy. 'What place calls thee home?

'Why! dost not know me, master Upstill? When I was a little one, thou didst make my shoes for me. 'I trust it will be forgiven me, mistress. Truly I had ne'er made shoe for thee an' I had foreseen what thee would come to! For I make no farther doubt thou art a consorter with malignants, harlots, and papists.

Satisfying themselves first therefore that their wives were doing their duty for their household, mistress Upstill was as good as two men at least at appropriation, they set out, Cast-down taking the lead, master Sycamore, John Croning, and the rest following, armed with crowbars, for the top of the great tower, ambitious to commence the overthrow by attacking the very summit, the high places of wickedness, the crown of pride; and after some devious wandering, at length found the way to the stair.

'Cast-down Upstill, thou hast shamed thy regiment, carrying thyself thus to a gentlewoman, said Richard. 'Then he fired his carbine after me, said Dorothy. 'That may have been but his duty, returned Richard. 'And worst of all, continued Dorothy, 'he said that had he known what I should grow to, he would never have made shoes for me when I was an infant. Think on that, master Heywood!

Gently, gently, little Dick! Master Upstill is an old friend. What! hast thou too turned soldier? Left thy last and lapstone and turned soldier, master Upstill? 'I have left all and followed him, mistress, answered Castdown. 'Art sure he called thee, master Upstill? 'I heard him with my own ears. 'Called thee to be a shedder of blood, master Upstill?

'Poor Dick! poor Dick! she said, patting his neck; 'be quiet; master Upstill will do thee no wrong. Be quiet, little man. As she thus talked to her genet, Upstill again drew near, now more surly than at first. 'Say what manner of woman art thou? he demanded with pompous anger. 'Whence comes thou, and whither does thee go? 'Home, answered Dorothy. 'What place calls thee home?

To make certain however that he was alone in the place, ere he secured himself from intrusion, he ran up the stair, gave a glance at the doors as he ran, and reached the top just as Upstill in fierce discrowning pride was heaving the first capstone from between two battlements.

When they had reached the centre of it, however, and glancing up at the awful bulk of stone towering above them, its walls strangely dented and furrowed, so as to such as they, might well suggest frightful means to wicked ends, they stood stock-still, refusing to go a step further; while their chief speaker, Upstill, emboldened by anger, fear, and the meek behaviour of the supposed earl, broke out in a torrent of arrogance, wherein his intention was to brandish the terrors of the High Parliament over the heads of his lordship of Worcester and all recusants.

'I like not the business, captain Heywood, she said. 'Yet the business must be done, mistress Upstill. And hark'ee, for every paper thou findest upon her, I will give thee its weight in gold. I care not what it is. Bring it hither, and the dame's butter-scales withal. 'I warrant thee, captain! she returned. Come with me, mistress, and show what thou hast about thee.

With trembling hands Upstill raised the latch of the wicket, and to his delight found it unlocked. He darted through, passed the twin portcullises, and was presently thundering over the draw-bridge, which, trembling under his heavy steps, seemed on the point of rising to heave him back into the jaws of the lion, or, worse still, the clutches of the enchanter.