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The old servant looked up at her, simply. "Madame would be alone with monsieur?" asked he. "It will be better." Lady Catharine Knollys, left alone, gazed upon the sleeper. John Law, the failure, lay there, supine, abased, cast-down, undone, shorn utterly of his old arrogance of mind and mien. Fortune, wealth, even the boon of physical well-being all had fled from him.

So I know not what to think; for it might well be that thus he spake to flatter me. But I saw him change colour and weep right piteously. To my mind his tears, his shamefaced and cast-down countenance, did not come from deceit; no deceit or trickery was there. The eyes from which I saw the tears fall did not lie to me. Signs enow could I see there of love if I know aught of the matter. Yea!

Pierre seemed anxious to make himself useful, and begged that he might be allowed to attend on the ladies. Jacques offered to undertake the office of cook, the duties of which he was far better able to perform than any of the English. The French lieutenant seemed the most cast-down of any of the party.

Satisfying themselves first therefore that their wives were doing their duty for their household, mistress Upstill was as good as two men at least at appropriation, they set out, Cast-down taking the lead, master Sycamore, John Croning, and the rest following, armed with crowbars, for the top of the great tower, ambitious to commence the overthrow by attacking the very summit, the high places of wickedness, the crown of pride; and after some devious wandering, at length found the way to the stair.

"I shall be only too happy," said the complaisant Marquis, and the princess's cast-down eyes declared the same. So they were married the very next day, and took possession of the Ogre's castle, and of everything that had belonged to him. As for the cat, he became at once a grand personage, and had never more any need to run after mice, except for his own diversion. The Seven Young Goslings.

A dejected and cast-down woman was assorting the despairing contents of the basket with a look of desolation. The girl, who had disappeared, now returned, and with an air of mystery slipped into the hand of her visitor a red card, on which was inscribed: + + |No Person allowed to remain in the Establishment | |without a ticket. Please present this on entering| |Madame Morrow’s room.

Israel in bondage in Egypt had been delivered by Jehovah marching through the wilderness, a wilderness stretched between Babylon and Jerusalem; these supply the scenery, so to speak; but the scenery is symbolic, and the call is really one to prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness of human sin, by raising up the cast-down by reason of transgressions or sorrows, to subdue lofty thoughts and self-sufficiency by humble self-abnegation, to make the 'crooked things' or 'rugged things' straight or smooth, and the rough ground where heights were tumbled on heights a deep valley, by forsaking evil.

The fellow, with his cast-down eyes, and his well-parted hair, seemed to Lennan to be saying: "Yes, sir it is quite natural that you should take the note out of eyeshot, sir BUT I KNOW; fortunately, there is no necessity for alarm I am strictly confidential." And this was what the note contained: "You promised to ride with me once you DID promise, and you never have.

'Cast-down Upstill, thou hast shamed thy regiment, carrying thyself thus to a gentlewoman, said Richard. 'Then he fired his carbine after me, said Dorothy. 'That may have been but his duty, returned Richard. 'And worst of all, continued Dorothy, 'he said that had he known what I should grow to, he would never have made shoes for me when I was an infant. Think on that, master Heywood!

And what had happened to the girl that she looked at one moment so radiant, and at the next so cast-down? Mrs Fanshawe's affections, like those of most selfish people, were largely influenced by personal considerations.