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Newville to the generals Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne was not so elaborate as that to Lord Upperton, but more appetizing than those on shipboard while crossing the Atlantic. It was a pleasure to General Howe to escort Miss Newville to the dining-room, sit by her side, and listen to a voice that charmed him by its purity and sweetness.

Now when we remember that Egypt and the Orient have a climate in which a person can get along without any great amount of clothing, it really does seem somewhat absurd for a lady, in a country with a climate like that of England, to attempt to imitate in dress, or undress, that celebrated queen of the East." Lord Upperton laughed again.

Queer name." Lord Upperton laughed. "Ha, ha! I had a funny experience the other day. I told the landlord of the Admiral Vernon I would like a chair for myself, and another for Mr. Dapper, that we wanted to see the town. Well, what do you think happened? A little later, in came two niggers, each bringing a big rocking-chair. 'Dese be de cheers you axed for, Massa, they said."

The young lady who made the cheese you are eating, I dare say, would adorn the court of our queen," responded Mr. Adams. "Bless me! oysters, cranberries, succotash, canvasback ducks, wild turkeys, pumpkin pie, dairymaids ladies, wives the equals of their husbands! Rector, will there be anything beyond these in the New Jerusalem?" exclaimed Lord Upperton.

As I watched her I saw that she was looking anxiously to right and left. Close by me a pool of water had formed in a hollow. Dipping the cup of my pocket-flask into it, I carried it across to her. "Miss Cameron, I believe," said I. "I am your fellow-lodger. Upperton is my name. We must introduce ourselves in these wilds if we are not to be for ever strangers." "Oh, then, you live also with Mrs.

Why, Ruth, what are you thinking of? Not wish to receive the attentions of a noble lord! I am astonished. Do you forget that he can trace his lineage down to the time of William the Conqueror, and I don't know how much farther? You surprise me!" "I doubt not Lord Upperton may have a noble ancestry, but I don't see how that concerns me. I am not going to marry his ancestors, am I?"

"You will have to go to court, rector, and lecture the queen on heresy," said Mr. Adams. The company laughed, and Ruth's eyes sparkled over the rector's discomfiture. The meats had been removed and Pompey was serving the pastry and comfits. "What delicious cheese you have. It is as toothsome as the finest Cheshire," said Lord Upperton.

He always called Thursday evening after the lecture, and I used to sit by the window an hour before it was time for him to put in an appearance, looking for him. So it will be with you, child. Now go to bed, dear, and think of the great honor which Lord Upperton is conferring upon us in asking for your hand!" There was a moral if not a legal obligation upon every person to attend it.

Dinner over, the ladies passed into the parlor while the gentlemen smoked their pipes and finished their wine. "I suppose, my lord," said Mr. Adams, "you have not been here sufficiently long to form an opinion in regard to the Colonies." "Everything is so new and strange," Lord Upperton replied, "I hardly know what to make of it.

Ought she to allow prospective pleasure or position to influence her choice? Could she in any way barter her future welfare for the present life and for the larger life beyond? Was Lord Upperton of such lofty character that she could render him honor and respect, even if she could not give to him a loving heart?