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Come now, surely you know the Ring, my dear. His rooms in St. James's Street are full of them every night. All sorts, you know featherweights, and heavy-weights, and greyhounds. And the faces! My goodness, you should see them. Such worn-out old images. Knowledge boxes all awry, mouths crooked, and noses that have had the upper-cut. But good men all; good to take their gruel, you know.

McGowan stepped to the left just as the other delivered his spent blow, and with the added weight of his moving body landed his right glove against the stranger's ear. This was quickly followed with a crashing upper-cut to the heavy jaw. There was a loud rending and ripping of splintered wood as the big man fell through one of the thin panels of the partition.

Give it up peaceably, or I will choke the breath out of your body! Don't shout! It will be the worse for you if you do!" Right there and then the man in black met with a great surprise. Frank grappled with the stranger, and, for some moments, they engaged in a fierce struggle. At length the boy got the best of it, and, as he threw the man, he gave his assailant a terrible upper-cut blow.

That was where my prize-fighting butler came in useful. Before you could say 'Wink' he gave the man an upper-cut that settled him effectually for the next minute. Almost with the same movement he caught the woman a slap over the ear that upset her nerves considerably. She had a revolver in her hand too. It fell to the floor, and Smith, your servant, seized both weapons.

'I'm going fishin', Willie, I says. 'It's a lovely day. 'You've lost the fight, he says. 'Fight? says I. 'What fight? See what I mean? I hadn't a notion of what had happened. It was a half an hour and more before I could remember a thing." During this reminiscence, the man on the ground had contrived to clear his mind of the mistiness induced by the Kid's upper-cut.