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But when Frank came to consider everything, he decided that it was no more than fair that he should give his persistent foe a certain amount of punishment. Again and again Frank cross countered and upper-cut Diamond, and gradually he came to strike harder as the Virginian forced the fighting, without showing signs of letting up. Bruises and swellings began to appear on Diamond's face.

Jimmie acted ugly, and when I told him to move on he began to curse me." "What did you do?" "I handed him an upper-cut. Then this fellow tried to get his gun. Jimmie will remember me, and I'll get him later, on something. I didn't want to call out the reserves, so I brought this man right on over here, and let Jimmie attend to himself. I suppose we'll hear from him before long."

"Did ye give him the left upper-cut?" demanded Sergeant Doherty. "I am not sure that I did not," laughed Keith. "I know he went down over there where you saw him lying and I have ended one or two misunderstandings with it very satisfactorily." "Ah, well, then, I'm glad I taaught ye. I'm glad ye've got such a good defender, ma'am. Ye'll pardon what I said when I first coomed up.

It was a good rake, and there was fur upon his claws and blood. "Hully gee!" breathed Pete into Mame's convenient ear. "Did yer pipe de way bo upper-cut 'im? Gee!" Ash-Can Sam was wounded not so much in body as in pugilistic pride. He turned to wipe away the stain, and, incidentally, to wipe the earth with the body of a foreign cat.

This is Mike Doherty, who used to be the best man on the ship when I ran the blockade as a boy." "The verry same," said Mike. "He used to teach me boxing," continued Keith. "I taaught him the left upper-cut," nodded the sergeant. Keith went on and told the story of his coming on a man who was annoying Miss Huntington, but he did not give his name.

But the man who has been upper-cut and floored, and who takes the count, and then goes and squats in a corner to brood over the fancy licks that Fate handed him he isn't dealing fairly and squarely by his principles or by a decent and generous world that stands to back him for the next round. Is he, Phil?"

Up to that Saturday I was the first to whom he would rush for congratulations when he struck it rich over others on the exchange, and he invariably sought me for consolation when the boys "upper-cut him hard," as he would put it. Now he never said a word about his trading.

Then the boatswain gripped my hand for the last time, whispering to me to beware of Gurney's upper-cut, and so they bade us farewell and rowed off quickly in the darkness, like men who would avoid the sight of a murder. So there were we, left alone in that frail compartment, out there upon the heaving water, with nothing but death in our hearts.

"What?" said Mr. Allen, "you don't really mean to say that Scudamore, our genial Y. M. C. A. Secretary, was in that scrap? That cheers me greatly." "Was he!" said Ramsay Dunn, whose flushed face and preternaturally grave demeanour sufficiently explained his failure to appear at Dr. Brown's dinner. "While Mr. Smart's life was saved by the timely upper-cut of our distinguished pacifist, Mr.

"I thought I knew the face. Comrade Repetto, this is a treat. Have you come bringing me a new hat?" The white-haired leader's face, as he spoke, was within a few inches of his own. Psmith's observant eye noted that the bruise still lingered on the chin where Kid Brady's upper-cut had landed at their previous meeting.