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The mass, giving way to some prodigious upheaving of nature, had split in two, leaving the vast gap into which we inhabitants of the earth had penetrated for the first time. The whole singular history of the coal period was written on those dark and gloomy walls. A geologist would have been able easily to follow the different phases of its formation.

Two papers have been written recently on the great earthquake of August 13th, 1868 one by Professor von Hochsteter, the other by Herr von Tschudi, which present an interesting account of the various effects, by land and by sea, which resulted from the tremendous upheaving force to which the western flanks of the Peruvian Andes were subjected on that day.

The strange, upheaving, lifting tendency of the taffrail breeze filling the hollows of so many sails, made the buoyant, hovering deck to feel like air beneath the feet; while still she rushed along, as if two antagonistic influences were struggling in her one to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal.

Ran was his wife, and she had a net in which she caught all those who were lost at sea; her Hall was at the bottom of the ocean, and there she welcomed all the shipwrecked people. Ægir and Ran had nine daughters, and their names were emblematic of the waves. They were called Hefring the Hurling, Hrönn the Towering, Bylgja the Upheaving, Bara the Lashing.

The electric agencies in our world are very powerful; and it is supposed that at an early age of our world's history the mountain-foot covered with cities extended considerably beyond the land on which stand the present lower cities, and for many miles beyond the actual point to which the sea now recedes at low water, and that through a great electric disturbance, the upheaving seas of mighty waters rolled on, and, rising to an immense height some think above the summit of the great mountain with resistless force carried away miles of intermediate rock-land, which had till then formed the heart of the mountain.

While the ground was in a state of continual oscillation, the atmosphere seemed to dissolve itself into water. Tradition states that in the earthquake of 1766, as well as in another remarkable one in 1794, the shocks were mere horizontal oscillations; it was only on the disastrous 14th of December, 1797, that for the first time at Cumana the motion was felt by an upheaving of the ground.

The name Pamozima means, "the departed spirits or gods" a fit name for a place over which, according to the popular belief, the disembodied souls continually hover. The rock lowest down in the series is dark reddish-grey syenite. This seems to have been an upheaving agent, for the mica schists above it are much disturbed.

But for once in a way he missed his mark; the missile crashed against the wall behind. And then came a great flash, and the roar of all the world going to pieces, and a mighty lifting and upheaving and he saw and felt and knew no more. The four people standing beneath the portico of the police-station remained as if spell-bound for a full moment after the sudden flash and the sudden roar.

For as oft as we sing of their edges' upheaving, When the yellowing windows shine forth o'er the night, Their names unforgotten with song interweaving Shall draw forth dear drops from the depths of delight.

I felt it in the instant upheaving of my heart, and the flushing that suddenly fevered my cheeks. "Aurore at home, and alone!" It was the first time during all the course of my wooing that such a "chance" had offered; and I almost gave expression to my agreeable surprise. Fortunately I did not; for even the faithful Scipio was not to be trusted with such a secret.