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The five days' march, though propitious and full of the charm of magnificent scenery, had opened my eyes to certain unpleasantnesses.

I have met with some unpleasantnesses since my return to Christ; but I am not sure that they are worth naming; and for the present they shall remain unnamed. I have met with many things of a very pleasant character. Thousands that followed me into doubt have come back with me to Christianity. Thousands that were sinking, were saved by my conversion.

The last I saw, the remains of the monster, now stripped of wax, had been cast off, and the water around it was rioting with slashers and clawbeaks and halberd fish and similar marine unpleasantnesses.

Emma Edwardovna pronounces in a bass, with cool assurance: "Honest to God, she's the same here as an own daughter." "But that's not what I am talking about," the inspector frowns in vexation. "Just consider my position... Why, this is duty. Lord, there's no end of unpleasantnesses without that!"

Trench had once been a colonel in the Marines, before a court-martial and sundry unpleasantnesses had driven him off Earth. His dark, scowling face and lean body still bore a military air. He looked Bruce Gordon over sourly. "I've been reading your record. It stinks. Making trouble for Jurgens could have been charged as false arrest.

He already had a presentiment of the onerousness of living together, of a multiplicity of cares, unpleasantnesses and expenses; of the equivocal smiles or even simply the unceremonious questionings of comrades; finally, of the serious hindrance during the time of government examinations.

But, even besides that, Anna Markovna, sufficiently limited in mind and not especially developed, had some sort of an amazing inner intuition, which during all her life permitted her instinctively but irreproachably to avoid unpleasantnesses, and to find prudent paths in time.

"My eyes are keen enough, believe me." Mrs. Tempest felt uncomfortable. She began to think that, after all, it might be a comfortable thing to have a companion as a fender between herself and Violet. A perpetually present Miss Jones or Smith would ward off these unpleasantnesses.

He will help chop firewood, or goat's chop, or he will carry the baby with pleasure, while his good lady does these things; and in bush villages, he always escorts her so as to be on hand in case of leopards, or other local unpleasantnesses.

He guessed that she had helped to cook the dinner, that the wine had come from the public-house, that they had given up their room to him, and were sleeping in some small cupboard-like place at the end of the passage. Of the many various unpleasantnesses of married life which had crowded into his consciousness since he had been in the cottage, this impressed him the most.