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I went to see 'im in the horsepittle place I've always been fond of and the langwidge he used to me was so bad that they sent for the Sister to 'ear it. That's on'y two out of dozens I could name. Arf the unpleasantnesses in my life 'ave come out of doing kindnesses to people, and all the gratitoode I've 'ad for it I could put in a pint-pot with a pint o' beer already in it.

Charles." "And you have to keep from quarrelling, Tim. I hear you quarrelling, on an average, ten times a day; and as, in such a character as we're talking about, you would, of course, be exposed to all sorts of slights and unpleasantnesses, you would be in continual hot water." "Now, yer honor," Tim said reproachfully, "you're too hard on me, entirely.

This I knew was a thing to dread; for I had my memory stored with all kinds of rainy unpleasantnesses.

Just as Lichonin had supposed, meeting the grumbling Alexandra was a fearful thing to her, who had long since grown unused to every-day actuality; harsh, and plentiful with all sorts of unpleasantnesses. And besides that, the fact that Lichonin did not want to conceal her past acted oppressively upon her.

He believed in fighting both as a principle and as an exercise; in fact, he attributed his good health to his various neighborly "unpleasantnesses," and he had more than once argued that no great fighter ever died of a sluggish liver or of any one of the other ills that beset sedentary, peace-loving people. Nations were like men too much ease made them flabby.

And all these unpleasantnesses were occurring to Peter simultaneously. It is highly creditable to him that the last should completely have outweighed the others. He was generally alone. Mr. Rastall-Retford, who would have been better than nothing as a companion, was a man who enjoyed solitude. He was a confirmed vanisher.

But what am I going to do about him, sir the contemptible scamp who publicly sued his own wife's father? That's what I came to you for, Robert. What am I going to do?" "It'll be forgotten in a week, Colonel I wouldn't worry about it," answered Hendricks. "We all have those little unpleasantnesses."

There would be unpleasantnesses because there was no denying that the trades-people had been played tricks with. Mrs. Gareth-Lawless was only one of a lot of pretty daughters whose father was a poor country doctor in Jersey. He had had "a stroke" himself and his widow would have nothing to live on when he died. That was what Mrs. Lawless had to look to.

Emma started to tell Willy what a lot of trouble they had been in when Grace interjected a remark that caused Elfreda to wonder. "Perhaps Willy Horse knows more about our late unpleasantnesses than you do, Emma," said Grace. "Hello, old man. How are you?" cried Hippy, striding forward with outstretched hand. "How do! You Big Friend. Me make breakfast fire here." "Help yourself," urged the girls.

Certainly it was far higher than at the present day, when, in spite of the fact that our dissecting-rooms have very few of the old-time dangers and unpleasantnesses, dissection is only practised with assiduity if special care is exercised in requiring attendance and superintending the work of the department.