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This would be rather irregular; but I must declare that it is possible." "Mr. Pipelet, come up; I have your wife in my arms!" "Some one has my wife in their arms!" said Pipelet, rising abruptly. "I cannot unlace Mrs. Pipelet all alone!" added the voice. These words produced a magical effect upon Alfred: his face flushed, his chastity revolted.

"What art thou talking about, Jan?" exclaimed Tibbie. Janice even in her disjointed sentences had begun to unlace her travelling bodice, for with a prudence almost abnormal this one frock was not cut low, and she now produced from her bosom a paper which she unfolded, and then offered to Tibbie with a suggestion of hesitation, asking "Dost think he meant to insult me?"

Open, and welcome to us! The news seemed so good to Gibourc that she could not believe it, and she bade the Count unlace his helmet, so that she might indeed be sure that it was he. William did her bidding, then like an arrow she ran to the gate and let down the drawbridge, and William stepped across it and embraced her tenderly. Then he ordered his army to take up its quarters in the city.

He tried to unlace the thongs that bound his feet, but could not manage it. "Better try once more," advised Mr. Pertell. "I really need you in the scene, Mr. Sneed, and you will soon learn to get along on the snowshoes." "I never will!" cried the grouch. "Take 'em off, I say!" But no one would, and finally, after Flaming Arrow had given a few more demonstrations, Mr. Sneed consented to try again.

Then Hamlet tied himself and his "lead" round the leg of the table; then Mary said in her most tiresome manner, apropos of nothing at all, "You do love me, Jeremy, don't you?" just at the moment when he was trying to unlace Hamlet, and her lip began to tremble when he said, "Oh, don't bother," so that he was compelled to add "Of course I do"; then Father came running up the stairs with "Really, this is too disgraceful.

In which you would not have been wrong. The line between his eyes seemed to deepen as he turned from the group to join his wife in the "green room" of the tent. As the flap dropped behind him, Grinaldi turned to the boy, who had started to unlace the striped overshirt. "Wait a minute," he said quickly. "Mebbe we can fix it with 'im.

And then he asked, with a queer note in his voice, partly of dread and partly of hope, "Am I in time, sir?" The managing editor took the book, and tossed it to the foreman, who ripped out its leaves and dealt them out to his men as rapidly as a gambler deals out cards. Then the managing editor stooped and picked Gallegher up in his arms, and, sitting down, began to unlace his wet and muddy shoes.

He is strong, as his life and the awestruck crowds testified; how strong must that Other be! He feared not the face of man, nor owned inferiority to any; but his whole soul melted into joyful submission, and confessed unworthiness even to unlace the sandals of that mightier One. His transitional position is also plainly marked by our Evangelist.

Undo his spurs, Berengaria; Queen though thou be, thou owest him what marks of favour thou canst give. Unlace his helmet, Edith; by this hand thou shalt, wert thou the proudest Plantagenet of the line, and he the poorest knight on earth!"

There is nothing in all the world more enjoyable than tumbling from your blankets, to unlace the "flap" of the tent, to fling it wide and step out into the soft grey world before sunrise, to swallow whole breaths of fresh, sweet morning air; then to plunge into a still, cool lake, and drive sleep from the corners of your eyes, as the winking sun drives night from the forest.