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"I trusts it to keep me goin' 'ale an' 'arty till I'm ninety, an' that's drawin' it mild, for my father lived till a 'underd, an' then on'y went through slippin' on a wet stone an' breakin' a bone in 'is back; an' my grandfather saw 'is larst Christmas at a 'underd an' ten, an' was up to kissin' a wench under the mistletoe, 'e was sich a chirpin' old gamecock.

"When you take the bull by the horns," said Trew, advancing to the white hearthrug, "what happens is a toss up. I can't tell you yet whether you've done right or whether you've done wrong; but if you put the question to me a 'underd years hence, I shall be able to answer you.

There's one a sight older than that though last house down the Court top bell." "How old do you make her out?" "Two 'underd next birthday!" But Michael perceived in his questioner's eye a possible withdrawal of his offer of a consideration, and amended his statement: "Ninety-nine, p'raps! couldn't say to arf a minute."

Did n' Hi say, las' lambin' did n' Hi say we war a-gwain ter hev sich anuther year as sixty-hate? Mostly kettle wot we hed then, afore the wool rose; an' wild dogs bein' plentiful them times; an' we'd a sort o' 'ead stock-keeper, name o' Bob Selkirk; an' this feller 'e started f'm 'ere with hate 'underd an' fo'ty sebm 'ead"

The only way would be to go down around through Switzerland around the end of the line, kind of." "Down through Alsice," grunted Tennert. "'E'd 'ave a 'underd miles of it," said Freddie. "Unless Fritzie offered 'im a carriage. Hi, Fritzie, w'en do we have tea?"

She'm very lovin'-'earted." Ashurst, who felt colour coming into his cheeks, held out his tobacco pouch. "Have a fill, Jim?" "Thank 'ee, sir. She'm one in an 'underd, I think." "I expect so," said Ashurst shortly, and folding up his pouch, walked on. "Lovin'-hearted!" Yes! And what was he doing? What were his intentions as they say towards this loving-hearted girl?

'Not his lordship's hounds! roared Jack, now rising in his stirrups and brandishing his big whip. 'Not his lordship's hounds! Tell me that, when they cost him five-and-twenty 'underd two thousand five 'underd a year! Oh, by Jingo, but that's a pretty go! If they're not his lordship's hounds, I should like to know whose they are? and thereupon Jack wiped the foam from his mouth on his sleeve.

"I wish," she said agitatedly, "that I could skip half an hour of my life." "When you get to my age, little missy," remarked Trew, "you won't talk like that. Speaking personally, I can fairly say that if it wasn't for these new motors I sh'd like to live to be a 'underd. Now, let's jest make sure and certain about this train." "I thought we had done so." "May as well be on the safe side." Mr.

Dost think tha'll ever know how he went?" "I ain't sayin' 'as 'e went, an' I ain't thinkin' as 'e went. I'm waitin' like a bloomin' telegarpher at the end of a wire. 'E was the pick o' fifteen 'underd men was Macnamara." "What sent t' laad to Goordon?" "A-talkin' of 'isself silly to two lydies at onct." "Aye, theer's the floower o' the flock.

"Ten 'underd to one," groaned the engineer. Another blank silence was broken by the stoker's saying, with a savage oath: "I wish that boy was alive, I do." "I know your feeling," agreed the engineer sympathetically. "It 'ud be a comfort to you to kick 'im or any-think else weak and small wot didn't durst to kick back."