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"And of his father, James, before him, and Elizabeth, before him, and bluff King Henry, who builded that wing, before them all." "And there, I suppose, the knight and his daughter dwelt?" "No," replied Joceline; "Sir Henry Lee had too much reverence for for things which are now thought worth no reverence at all Besides, the state-rooms are unaired, and in indifferent order, since of late years.

With regard to the health of houses where there is a sick person, it often happens that the sick room is made a ventilating shaft for the rest of the house. For while the house is kept as close, unaired, and dirty as usual, the window of the sick room is kept a little open always, and the door occasionally.

They ran through a wide, bare, unaired hallway, and up a long flight of unlighted stairs that were protected over their dark carpeting by a worn brown oilcloth. Sally, and Martie breathless, entered an enormous bedroom, shabbily and scantily furnished. The outline of a large walnut bedstead was visible in the gloom, and the dark curtains that screened two bay windows.

Then, with the associations of odor crowding in about her, she stripped herself of her gewgaws, as if here even the tarnished tinsel of pleasure could have no place, and tiptoed up the weary wind of three unlighted flights and through the thick staleness of unaired halls.

Ruby, neglected, with a jam-smeared face the flustered maid, tousled, grubby, her frock gaping the horrible hall, with its imitation-marble paper and staring linoleum the prim, trivial, unaired, unused drawing-room, with its pathetic attempts at elegance Deb inwardly curled up at the sight of these things as things now belonging to the family.

It was made up of many odours: a faint, not unpleasant mustiness, the smell of dust, a perfume of old potpourri, and spices, cloves, and camphor for moths, a vague fragrance of rosewood and worm-eaten oak, a hint of beeswax, a tang of unaired leather and old books. Barrie suddenly felt perfectly happy. For to-day this wonderful place with all its secrets was hers.

Inside the house the air was close and stale, odorous of dry pine walls and of unaired rooms. Peter flung up a window, the girls walked aimlessly about, through the familiar yet shockingly strange chairs and table that were all coated thickly with dust.

She pulled the old-fashioned bell-cord, and the old-fashioned North Country landlady came tall, thin, parchment-faced, musty-looking as though she had been dressed up in Victorian garments in 1880 and left to stand in an unaired parlor ever since. She glowered silent disapproval at the presence of Mr. Wrenn in Istra's room, but sent a slavey to make the fire "saxpence uxtry." Mr.

Later perhaps, later we should all love it. But we're better left to ourselves now, Sue! Anna shall write you " Susan presently left the room, sorely puzzled. But, once in the hall, she came quickly to a decision. Phil's door was open, his bed unaired, an odor of stale cigarette smoke still in the air.

"I hadn't been in his room for years," sobbed Lady Kingsmead, forgetting her complexion. "Did you see the pastel of me on the wall between the windows? And I gave him the clock, too, for his thirty-fifth birthday. Oh, Brigit! He loved me insanely, poor Gerald, perfectly madly, and so did I." She broke off, to her daughter's relief, and sobbed again. Brigit's flat was warm and smelt unaired.