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It appears to have been usual for the farmer at that date to allow his hinds roast meat twice a week, on Sundays and on Thursday nights; but perhaps this was a generous extreme, as Tusser is unusually liberal in his ideas. Tobias Venner, a Somersetshire man, brought out in 1620 his "Via Recta ad Vitam Longam."

Tusser, in his "Points of Huswifry united to the Comforts of Husbandry," published in 1570, recommends the country housewife to select servants who sing at their work as being usually the most painstaking and the best. He says "Such servants are oftenest painful and good That sing in their labour, as birds in the wood." A HINT FOR WORKERS. St.

They were vegetables too all neatly staged in a little kiosk near the station. I think the pious Thomas Tusser would have loved that man. 'Providence, said he, shedding pamphlets at every gesture, 'did not intend everlasting Wheat in this section. No, sir! Our business is to keep ahead of Providence to meet her with mixed farming. Are you interested in mixed farming? Psha!

In reply, he gave him one of the stanzas which he has by heart from his favourite, and indeed only author, old Tusser, and which he calls his Golden Rules: Leave princes' affairs undescanted on, And tend to such doings as stand thee upon; Fear God, and offend not the king nor his laws, And keep thyself out of the magistrate's claws.

Wonderful tusser silk draperies fell about her, with ink-spots on the sleeves; her hair was magnificent. "It's so curious to me," she was saying of the novel, "that any one should learn all that life as you do, at a distance, in a book. It's like looking at it through the little end of an opera-glass." "I fancy that the most desirable way," said Alicia, glancing at the door.

Thomas Tusser, who lived 1515 to 1580, in his Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, included many seasonable verses on Hop-growing, among which the following are worth quoting: is a couplet repeated in all the hop districts to-day, but the damage done by the flea is not to be compared to that caused by the next pest, the fly.

If there were no other memory connected with the magnificent hall, it would be enough that here, about 1550, was performed by the Eton boys, Ralph Roister Bolster, the first proper English comedy, written by Nicholas Udal, then head-master, for the Christmas holidays. He had the name of being a stern master, because old Tusser has left it on record that Udal whipped him,

It appears to have been cultivated in England early, as an old writer, Tusser, says: 'Wife, into the garden, and set me a plot, With strawberry-roots the best to be got; Such growing abroad among thorns in the wood, Well chosen and pricked, prove excellent good.

There are numerous allusions to this form of tree-worship in the literature of the past; and Tusser, among his many pieces of advice to the husbandman, has not omitted to remind him that he should, "Wassail the trees, that they may bear You many a plum and many a pear; For more or less fruit they will bring, As you do them wassailing."

Tusser, who wrote a book upon Five Hundred Points of Husbandry, did not forget the treats which ought to be given to the labourers, and alludes to the sheep-shearing festival in the following lines