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In one of his pleasantries Martial says of these infibulated singers that they sometimes break their rings and fail to place them back "et cujus refibulavit turgidum faber peruem." Heinsius considers Agamemnon cautious when he left Demodocus near Clytemnestra, as he remarks that Demodocus was infibulated. For such purposes as the foregoing infibulation offered a more humane method than castration.

Martial, who laughs at everything, speaks of these singers sometimes breaking their ring, and says that it becomes necessary to send them to the fibula-makers in order to have the damage repaired: "Et cujus refibulavit turgidum, faber, penem, Il di cui turgido membro abbia fabro fibbiato." The practice of infibulation was very common in India, from religious motives.

I could never die for laughing," bawled out the Dominie, feeling for his pannikin; but this was his last effort. He stared round him. "Verily, verily, we are in a whirlpool how everything turneth round and round! Who cares? Am I not an ancient mariner `Qui videt mare turgidum et infames scopulos. Friend Dux, listen to me favet linguis."

This is considered as productive of great benefit to the crop; but it is also to be remarked, that it is almost the only grain that is ever prepared with this mixture, although it might be applied with equal propriety to all others. See article Pisum sativum. TRITICUM turgidum.