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The people called this figure il Santo Membro, the holy member. This ancient ceremony, evidently a remains of the feasts of Bacchus, called by the Greeks Dyonysiacs, and by the Romans Liberalia, existed as late as the commencement of the 18th century, when it was abolished by Joseph Davanzati, archbishop of that town. Sir W. Hamilton's account of the worship paid to St. Cosmo and St.

An eye for an eye, and a hand for a hand, will exhibit spectacles in execution, whose moral effect would be questionable; and even the membrum pro membro of Bracton, or the punishment of the offending member, although long authorized by our law, for the same offence in a slave, has, you know, been not long since repealed, in conformity with public sentiment. This needs reconsideration.

"Dic mihi, simpliciter, comœdis et citharœdis, Fibula, quod præstat?... carius ut futuunt." "Tell me, clasp! frankly, of what advantage are you to actresses and lute-players? To enhance their favours." "Una si gran fibula copre il membro di Menofila, che sola basterebbe a tutti i commenianti.

Martial, who laughs at everything, speaks of these singers sometimes breaking their ring, and says that it becomes necessary to send them to the fibula-makers in order to have the damage repaired: "Et cujus refibulavit turgidum, faber, penem, Il di cui turgido membro abbia fabro fibbiato." The practice of infibulation was very common in India, from religious motives.