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Then Phineas was beginning to tell all the story, the wonderful story, of George Morris and the Earl of Tulla, how the men of Loughshane had elected him without opposition; how he had been supported by Conservatives as well as Liberals; how unanimous Loughshane had been in electing him, Phineas Finn, as its representative. But Mr.

And the Earl of Tulla, to whom almost all Loughshane belonged, or at any rate the land about Loughshane, was one of his father's staunchest friends!

He was going to stand for Loughton, with the assistance of Lord Brentford, and thought that the election would probably not cost him above a couple of hundred pounds at the outside. Then he wrote a very pretty note to Lord Tulla, thanking him for his former kindness, and telling the Irish Earl that it was not his intention to interfere with the borough of Loughshane at the next election.

It will be recollected that the prisoner was brought before the magistrates at Tulla rather than at Ennis, in order to avoid a tumult, but that on its being known that he was committed for trial an uproar occurred, which ended in the bayoneting of three of the rioters by the police. The man was tried here to-day, and he will be tried again to-morrow before another jury.

Lord Tulla had probably already forgotten that he himself had thrown Jack over for the last session but one. "Phineas, my lord," began the father, "is now Under-Secretary of State." "Oh, I've no doubt he's a very fine fellow; but you see, he's an out-and-out Radical." "No, my lord." "Then how can he serve with such men as Mr. Gresham and Mr. Monk?

He now thanked his father with many expressions of gratitude, declared his conviction that his father was right about Lord Tulla, and then, in the most modest language that he could use, went on to say that he had found another borough open to him in England.

Lingard took off his hat and drew in a long sigh in the tepid breeze. Jorgenson spoke suddenly in a cautious tone: "The new Rajah Tulla smokes opium and is sometimes dangerous to speak to. There is a lot of discontent in Wajo amongst the big people." "Good! Good!" whispered Lingard, excitedly, off his guard for once. Then "How the devil do you know anything about it?" he asked.

"After being put in for the borough twice, almost free of expense, it was very dirty." It never occurred to Lord Tulla that a member of Parliament might feel himself obliged to vote on such a subject in accordance with his judgment. This Irish Reform Bill was scrambled through the two Houses, and then the session was over.

The conference ended with an assurance on the part of Lord Tulla that if the Loughshaners chose to elect Mr. Phineas Finn he would not be in the least offended. The electors did elect Mr. Phineas Finn, perhaps for the reason given by one of the Dublin Conservative papers, which declared that it was all the fault of the Carlton Club in not sending a proper candidate.

But around her are her chosen comrades, maiden Larina, Tulla, Tarpeia brandishing an axe inlaid with bronze, girls of Italy, whom Camilla the bright chose for her own escort, good at service in peace and war: even as Thracian Amazons when the streams of Thermodon clash beneath them as they go to war in painted arms, whether around Hippolyte, or while martial Penthesilea returns in her chariot, and the crescent-shielded columns of women dance with loud confused cry.