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Then he named the borough of Loughton; and Phineas Finn, thinking of Saulsby, thinking of the Earl, thinking of Lady Laura, and thinking of Violet, walked away disgusted. Would it not be better that the quiet town, clustering close round the walls of Saulsby, should remain as it was, than that it should be polluted by the presence of Mr. Quintus Slide?

Believe me, Finn, if you want to be useful, you must submit yourself in such matters to those with whom you act." Phineas had no answer to make, but he was not happy in his mind. And he was the less happy, perhaps, because he was very sure that Mr. Mildmay would be beaten. Mr. Low in these days harassed him sorely. Mr. Low was very keen against such boroughs as Loughton, declaring that Mr.

Loughton was a borough close to Saulsby, in which, as regarded its political interests, Lord Brentford was supposed to have considerable influence. To this Violet said nothing. "It is quite time," continued Lady Laura, "that old Mr. Standish should give way. He has had the seat for twenty-five years, and has never done anything, and he seldom goes to the House now." "He is not your uncle, is he?"

"What plan?" "Or rather it isn't mine, but papa's. Old Mr. Standish is going to give up Loughton, and papa wants you to come and try your luck there." "Lady Laura!" "It isn't quite a certainty, you know, but I suppose it's as near a certainty as anything left." And this came from a strong Radical Reformer! "Lady Laura, I couldn't accept such a favour from your father." Then Mr.

That was the manner in which Lord Chiltern received the tidings of the terrible accident which had occurred to his near relative. Finn for Loughton By three o'clock in the day after the little accident which was told in the last chapter, all the world knew that Mr.

"But a man in London, my lord " "Why the deuce would he go to London? By-the-bye, what am I to do about the borough now?" "Let my son stand for it, if you will, my lord." "They've clean swept away Brentford's seat at Loughton, haven't they? Ha, ha, ha! What a nice game for him, to have been forced to help to do it himself!

She, while he flew supporting the body of his most beloved to the sun of Life in brighter hope, reckoned the stages of his journey. 'Leeman at Loughton will post you through the night to Mersley. Wherever you bait, it is made known that you come from Olmer, and are one of us. That passes you on up to London. Where can Lord Ormont be now? 'In Paris. 'Still in Paris? He leaves her.

"It seems to agree in character and dimensions," said Thorndyke, "and the agreement is strongly supported by a discovery made two days later." "What is that?" Mr. Bellingham demanded. "It is the lower half of a trunk which the police dragged out of a rather deep pond on the skirts of the forest at Loughton Staple's Pond, it is called.

Phineas, indeed, was driven to confess to himself that success with Violet would at once have put an end to all his friendship with Lord Brentford; as also to all his friendship with Lord Chiltern. He would, in such case, be bound in honour to vacate his seat and give back Loughton to his offended patron. But he would have given up much more than his seat for Violet Effingham!

The possession of one good gift must be acceded to the honourable member for Loughton, he is a handsome young man, and looks to be as strong as a coal-porter. Can it be that his promotion has sprung from this? Be this as it may, we should like to know where he has been during his late mysterious absence from Parliament, and in what way he came by the wound in his arm.