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"True," agreed Furneaux. "I only brought it in as a sop. But, to continue, as the tub-thumper says. Isn't it permissible to assume that Siddle accompanied the lady, either by prior arrangement or by contriving a meeting which looked like mere chance? We know that she went to his shop. We know, too, that he was clever and unscrupulous, and any allusion to Grant would stir his wits to the uttermost.

Also some grog, if I can lay my hands on it," he added, with an unholy smile. "No, William," I murmured; "no grog; our lives depend on our sobriety." "Always a-preaching, the old tub-thumper," I heard William say to himself; but he made no further reference to the subject. It was now quite dark, and we lay whispering, in the damp hollow under the great stone.

No doubt, to a young poet, when that poet was Ibsen, there would be something deeply attractive in the sombre, archaic style, and icy violence of Sallust. How thankful we ought to be that the historian, with his long sonorous words flagitiosorum ac facinorosorum did not make of our perfervid apothecary a mere tub-thumper of Corinthian prose!

In fact every tub-thumper went about preaching and ruining servant girls, and for this we paid over twenty millions a year more than the interest on the whole National Debt. After this elegant exordium, Mr. Ramsey said he proposed to divide his remarks under four heads. 1. Is Salvation necessary? 2. What are we to be saved from? 3. What for? 4. How?

He was so well restrained in his speech and carriage, so quiet a contrast to the heated gentlemen who glared at him, that to an uninformed observer he might very well have seemed the judge rather than the one on trial. Rufus snapped at him like an angry dog. "Well, you tub-thumper, you see that the gentlemen of England are more than a match for pestilent pennyweight rebels."

"There is no place in politics for the wobbler." "Do you know," she went on, glancing away for a moment, "that my rooms are filled with people who fear you. The Labour Party, as it was understood here five or six years ago, never inspired that feeling. There was something of the tub-thumper about every one of them. I think it is your repression, Mr. Tallente, which terrifies them.

You are going to cast in your lot with the riffraff of politics, the mealy-mouthed anarchist only biding his time, the blatant Bolshevist talking of compromise with his tongue in his cheek, the tub-thumper out to confiscate every one's wealth and start a public house. You won't know yourself in this gallery." Tallente shook his head.