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"We are passing through it now. They all come to their windows and gnash their teeth and dance until I am out of sight." "Why should you quarrel with them? What is the matter with them?" I asked. "Pooh! what's the use of being mealy-mouthed about it?" said he. "We are all trying to cut each other's throats, and why should we be hypocritical over it?

No he had got to die of thirst, starvation, and vultures, barring miracles of luck and he had never had any good luck for luck existed, undoubtedly, in spite of mealy-mouthed platitude-makers and twaddle about everything being pre-arranged and ordained with care and deliberation by a kind paternal Providence. And what luck he had had all his life! Born fated! Had he fainted again or slept?

Malcontents may rail at "grandmotherly legislation in letters," at the undue deference paid to the maiden's blush, at the encouragement of the mealy-mouthed and hypocritical; but it is a ground of very solid satisfaction, be the cause what it may, that recent American literature has been so free from the emasculate fin-de-siècle-ism, the nauseating pseudo-realism, the epigrammatic hysteria, that has of late been so rife in certain British circles.

We'll let you go this time, but if we catch you here on such an errand again you'll have a chance to tell your story before a jury." "How'd you come to know my name?" blustered the captain. "I s'pose you've been pumping that mealy-mouthed landlubber of a Dolph." "Dolph hasn't said a word till he spoke to you just now. He couldn't.

He was not straitlaced, or mealy-mouthed, or overburthened with scruples. In the way of his profession he could do many a thing at which I express a single opinion with much anxious deference at which an honest man might be scandalized if it came beneath his judgment unprofessionally. But this he could not stand. Something must be done in the matter.

In a life-and-death war with Bedouins, cruel things could not fail; but neither are acts of mercy, of noble natural pity and generosity, wanting. Mohammed makes no apology for the one, no boast of the other. They were each the free dictate of his heart; each called-for, there and then. Not a mealy-mouthed man! A candid ferocity, if the case call for it, is in him; he does not mince matters!

"Ah! the bloodthirsty villains!" cried a woman: "Shame, one of them should be suffered to live, after poor Sir Edmondsbury's cruel murder." "Out upon the mealy-mouthed Jury, that turned out the bloodhounds on an innocent town!" cried a fourth.

Paine had gone: "Somebody is away, see! That's why! Gee! some life never any one asked over only at such times Gee! How'd you like to be bossed around like that?" "She did not begin right too mealy-mouthed. Did you hear what he's going to buy? No! I'll tell you when I see you we've too big an audience right now. Don't it beat all, the time some people have to listen in " "O well, I don't care!

"If she'd rather marry Justin Ware," Thomas began and failed to finish his sentence, his voice strangled by his inward anguish. His sister snorted. "Good lord! Thomas, a woman's going to marry the man that asks her. By all accounts that Ware won't be mealy-mouthed. If he wants her, he'll not stand back and let another man have the first say."

"'Well, says he, eyeing the handle of my gun, 'it was rather a nice day; some warmish, though. "'Particulars, you mealy-mouthed snoozer, I says 'let's have the specifications expatiate fill in the outlines. When you start anything with me in short-hand it's bound to turn out a storm signal. "'Looked like rain yesterday, says the man, 'but it cleared off fine in the forenoon.